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Grants Database

We make significant investments in the areas of education, humanitarian causes, arts and culture, the environment, and medical research in Sarasota and beyond. Within this database, you can explore past grants that date back to our inception and are as current as our most recent grant round. Below are three ways to use this database, which is best viewed from your desktop.

  • Sort: use the white arrows next within each blue header to sort the database by organization name, project name, amount awarded, decision date, category, or short project description.
  • Filter: Search grants by organization name(s), category(s), or within a specific date range using the fields below. Use the red reset button to clear your selections.
  • Keyword Search: Type any keyword into the black “Keyword Search” bar. You can also utilize the drop-down arrow to the right of the magnifying glass to search your keyword in one or multiple specific database areas.
Organization NameProject NameAmount AwardedDecision DateImpact AreaPurpose
YMCA of Southwest FloridaEarly Childhood Education Professional Development Strategy$94,502 10/26/2018Education access and qualityTo expand and improve early education programming. Through a partnership with State College of Florida, student’s pursuing careers in education will participate in paid internships.
YMCA of Southwest FloridaRedefining Early Learning: Investing in the YMCA's Quality and Capacity, 2024-2026$2,379,965 2/9/2024Education access and qualityTo support quality early learning at Sarasota County's largest childcare provider.
YMCA of Southwest FloridaRedefining Early Learning: Investing in the YMCA's Quality and Capacity-Year 2$668,332 1/27/2023Education access and qualityTo continue and define an early learning model to address critical issues in child development.
YMCA of Southwest FloridaRedefining Early Learning: Investing in the YMCA's Quality and Capacity$408,000 2/4/2022Education access and qualityTo increase the quality and capacity of its early learning academies.
YMCA of Southwest FloridaKeeping The SKY Family YMCA strong so that the Y can continue Early Childhood Education programs$285,000 5/1/2020Education access and qualityTo continue their leadership in providing early childhood education and programing for essential employees and front-line responders while school campuses remain closed.
YMCA of Southwest FloridaHurricane Ian Recovery Fund$30,000 10/7/2022Economic stabilityTo help offset operating expenses related to Hurricane Ian.
YMCA of Southwest FloridaCMBF Initiative: Early Learning - Teacher Retention Bonus Program 2024$658,928 11/7/2024Education access and qualityTo support teacher retention and the early learning profession.
YMCA of Southwest FloridaCMBF Initiative: Early Learning - Teacher Retention Bonus Program$558,810 11/3/2022Education access and qualityTo keep quality early learning professionals in the classroom.
YMCA of Southwest FloridaCMBF Initiative: Early Learning Directors Collaborative$346,343 9/1/2023Education access and qualityThe Early Learning Directors Collaborative ensures childcare professionals have the resources they need to prepare children for kindergarten and beyond.
YMCA of Southwest FloridaCMBF Initiative: Early Learning - Teacher Retention Bonus Program$9,675 2/10/2023Education access and qualityTo support teacher retention and the early learning profession.
WUSF Public MediaClassical WSMR 89.1 Expansion Project $10,000 2/12/2016Social and community well-beingTo the WSMR 89.1 Expansion Project to increase the 24-hour classical music radio station’s signal strength.
WUSF Public MediaCMBF Initiative: Community News Collaborative$598,750 7/6/2023Social and community well-beingTo create a more informed citizenry through quality news coverage of local stories.
Women's Resource CenterStability and Sustainability for Women and Families$400,000 11/8/2024Economic stabilityTo support core programming and build organizational capacity.
Women's Resource CenterStability and Sustainability for Women and Families $275,000 11/3/2023Economic stabilityTo provide unrestricted funding.
Women's Resource CenterStability and Sustainability for Women and Families$225,000 8/18/2022Economic stabilityTo support their services and staff.
Women's Resource CenterSupport and Access to Mental Health Services $150,000 5/20/2021Healthcare access and qualityTo increase access to affordable care and provide counseling services to their clients, as well as those from referring agencies.
Women's Resource CenterSupporting Unemployed Women$100,000 5/1/2020Economic stabilityTo meet the rising demand of employment and case management services and build the organization’s capacity for serving the Latina population.
Women's Resource CenterSponsorship: Wonder Women Collective, 2020$2,500 10/20/2020Economic stabilityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Women's Resource CenterSponsorship: Wonder Woman Collective, 2022 $10,000 11/8/2022Economic stabilityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Women's Resource CenterSponsorship: Wonder Women Collective, 2021$5,000 9/29/2021Economic stabilityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Women's Resource CenterSponsorship: Voice + Visibility Summit, 2020$4,000 11/26/2019Economic stabilityA grant is to empower women, expand networks & opportunities and elevate the voices of diverse women through the 2020 Voice + Visibility Summit.
Westcoast Black Theatre TroupeArtistic Workforce Development$150,000 8/2/2023Social and community well-beingTo support education and training focused on BIPOC.
Westcoast Black Theatre TroupeEducation Program Expansion$100,000 11/12/2021Social and community well-beingA grant to Westcoast Black Theater Troupe for expansion of its education programs.
We Care ManateeManatee County Connects for Care$250,000 1/27/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo build capacity at organization and launch collaborative.
Visible Men AcademyParent Success Program$25,000 11/13/2015Education access and qualityTo support the Parent for Success Program at Visible Men Academy, a K-8 charter school focused on academic, social, and character education for minority, low-income boys
Vickie O Heritage ProductionSponsorship: Newtown Easter Egg Hunt, 2023$2,500 2/15/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Vickie O Heritage ProductionSponsorship: Newtown Spring Festival & Easter Celebration$2,500 4/4/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Urbanite TheatreDiverse Theatremakers Initiative$75,000 8/6/2021Social and community well-beingTo support its Diverse Threatremakers Initiative which aims to offer competitive wages to actors, designers, and playwrights of color and ensure underserved students can engage with the theatre.
Upward NotesUpward Notes Expansion$125,000 5/10/2024Social and community well-beingTo expand the classical music audience and reach more people with the humanizing influence of arts and culture.
University of South Florida FoundationProject T2L3: Transforming Teaching & Learning Locally through Leadership$250,062 8/9/2024Education access and qualityTo provide educational leadership development for teachers in the Sarasota and Manatee county school districts.
University of South Florida FoundationSponsorship: FCAN 2023 Talent Strong Florida Summit$2,500 1/27/2023Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
University of Florida Foundation - Herbert Wertheim College of EngineeringUF Innovation Station$979,907 11/13/2015Education access and qualityTo launch the UF Innovation Station Sarasota County, an extension of the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering, and groom area students for degree and career attainment in engineering.
University of Florida FoundationElevating the Teaching Profession$30,000 7/27/2018Education access and qualityTo support the Center for Public Interest Communication’s work on lifting the teaching profession as part of Barancik Foundation’s Teacher Recruitment|Retention Initiative.
United Way SuncoastUnited Way Suncoast Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program$60,000 4/21/2017Economic stabilityTo support the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, which provides free tax-return preparation and filing for low-income families in Sarasota and DeSoto counties.
United Way SuncoastTransition of 211 services to Heart of Florida United Way$33,333 11/10/2017Social and community well-beingTo support the transition of 211 services to Heart of Florida United Way.
United Way SuncoastFinal Transition of 211 Services to Heart of Florida United Way$26,000 7/27/2018Social and community well-beingTo support the final transition of 211 services to Heart of Florida United Way.
United Way of South Sarasota CountyDisaster Recovery and Resiliency Program Cost Recovery and Capacity Building Project$100,000 5/19/2023Neighborhood and environmentTo support long-term recovery after Hurricane Ian.
UnidosNowFuture Leaders Academy: College and Career Readiness tracks$150,000 11/1/2019Education access and qualityTo develop and nurture the accomplishment of long-term academic, character and life goals for students through the Future Leaders Academy.
UnidosNowUnidosNow - Future Leaders Academy$75,000 10/26/2018Education access and qualityTo support the Future Leaders Academy.
UnidosNowCapacity Building and Expansion$650,000 2/6/2025Education access and qualityTo expand its Future Leaders Academy college and career readiness program and build organizational capacity to serve more families.
UnidosNowUnidosNow Dreaming Big Capacity Building$550,000 1/27/2023Education access and qualityTo build capacity at organization and create an endowed fund.
UnidosNowFuture Leaders Academy: College Prep and Career Readiness$300,000 11/20/2020Education access and qualityto support the Future Leaders Academy for two years.
UnidosNowKeeping the Dream Alive$150,000 5/1/2020Education access and qualityTo provide support for program participants and their families to help with economic stability and student success.
UnidosNowSponsorship: Noche Unidos, 2024$10,000 7/19/2024Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
UnidosNowSponsorship: NocheUnidos, 2023$10,000 4/4/2023Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
UnidosNowSponsorship: NocheUnidos, 2022$10,000 4/5/2022Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
UnidosNowSponsorship: Voice + Visibility Summit, 2020$4,000 11/26/2019Education access and qualityTo empower women, expand networks & opportunities and elevate the voices of diverse women through the 2020 Voice + Visibility Summit.
UnidosNowEducational Summer Program at The Pines for the Orange Avenue Mobile Home Park$2,530 7/27/2023Education access and qualityTo support an educational summer program at The Pines for the Orange Avenue Mobile Home Park.
Turning PointsNavigator Program Expansion$316,000 10/27/2023Economic stabilityBuilding navigator capacity and assessing new revenue streams.
Turning PointsCare Navigator Program$30,000 8/18/2022Economic stabilityTo support the organization's navigation program.
Truly ValuedCapacity Building$200,000 5/19/2023Education access and qualityTo support organizational capacity building.
Truly ValuedI Am Academy$40,000 11/12/2021Education access and qualityFor programming support and capacity building.
Truly ValuedMentoring for Teen Girls$25,000 1/31/2020Education access and qualityTo support a mentorship program that builds self-esteem and resilience in young ladies living in high-risk neighborhoods or foster care
Truly ValuedSponsorship: Taste of New Orleans, 2023$5,000 2/13/2023Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Truly ValuedSponsorship: Taste of New Orleans, 2022$5,000 3/8/2022Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Tikkun HaYam - Repair the SeaRepair the Sea$250,000 2/4/2022Neighborhood and environmentTo support the Repair the Sea program.
Tidewell FoundationTidewell's Blue Butterfly Mobile Outreach $100,000 2/19/2021Healthcare access and qualityTo support helping grieving children and teens through peer-support groups, activities, and counseling. 
The Twig CaresThe Twig Cares$25,000 7/27/2018Social and community well-beingTo meet the needs of the foster care community.
The Twig CaresVenice Expansion$180,000 5/19/2023Economic stabilityTo support the expansion of operations in Venice.
The Twig CaresTwig Expansion$350,000 8/21/2020Social and community well-beingTo support the organization as it expands its support for foster families further into the county.
The Twig CaresSponsorship: 2nd Annual A Taste for the Twig$3,100 2/21/2020Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's mission and fundraising efforts.
The Twig CaresSponsorship: A Taste for The Twig Event, 2023$2,500 5/19/2023Social and community well-being Sponsorship for a Gold Sponsor at the Twig’s "A Taste for The Twig event".
The Sarasota BalletIncentive Promotion for 2014/15 Season$13,926 6/2/2014Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Sarasota BalletAnnual Support, 2023-2024 Artistic Season$50,000 1/27/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Sarasota BalletSponsorship: Gala, 2024$10,000 8/4/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Sarasota BalletAnnual Support, 2022-2023 Artistic Season$50,000 2/4/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Sarasota BalletSponsorship: Annual Gala, 2023$10,000 8/18/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Sarasota BalletAnnual Support, 2021-2022 Artistic Season$100,000 2/19/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Sarasota BalletSponsorship: Annual Gala, 2022$10,000 8/6/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Sarasota BalletAnnual Support, 2020-21$50,000 1/31/2020Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Sarasota BalletSponsorship: Annual Gala, 2021$10,000 8/21/2020Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Sarasota BalletCOVID-19 Response$50,000 5/5/2020Social and community well-beingTo provide extra support for the organization's operations due to the impact of COVID-19.
The Sarasota BalletAnnual Support, 2025-2026 Artistic Season$75,000 2/6/2025Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Sarasota BalletAnnual Support, 2024-2025 Artistic Season$50,000 2/9/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Sarasota BalletAnnual Support, 2019-20$50,000 2/1/2019Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Sarasota BalletAnnual Support, 2018-19$50,000 2/2/2018Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Sarasota BalletAnnual Support, 2017-18$50,000 1/27/2017Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Sarasota BalletAnnual Support, 2016-17$50,000 7/8/2016Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Sarasota BalletAnnual Support, 2015-16$50,000 5/1/2015Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Sarasota BalletAnnual Support, 2014-15$50,000 6/29/2014Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Sarasota BalletSponsorship: Gala, 2025$10,000 8/12/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Sarasota BalletSponsorship: Annual Gala, 2020$10,000 7/26/2019Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Sarasota BalletSponsorship: Annual Gala, 2019$10,000 7/27/2018Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Sarasota BalletSponsorship: Annual Gala, 2018$10,000 7/28/2017Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Sarasota BalletSponsorship: Annual Gala, 2017$10,000 7/8/2016Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Sarasota BalletSponsorship: 25th Anniversary Gala, 2016$10,000 10/20/2015Social and community well-beingTo celebrate The Sarasota Ballet’s 25th Anniversary Season and support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Salvation Army Sarasota CountyCreating Pathways to Family Success$400,000 2/10/2025Economic stabilityTo support programs for families facing homelessness, addiction, and financial struggles.
The Salvation Army Sarasota CountyFamily Transitional Housing$200,000 8/18/2022Economic stabilityTo provide case management and supportive housing for families.
The Salvation Army Sarasota CountySponsorship: Glitz at the Ritz, 2022$10,000 10/6/2021Economic stabilityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Salvation Army Sarasota CountySponsorship: Glitz at the Ritz, 2020$2,500 12/13/2019Economic stabilityTo support the organization's mission and fundraising efforts.
The Salvation Army Sarasota CountySponsorship: Glitz at the Ritz, 2016$2,500 1/22/2016Economic stabilityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Multicultural Health InstituteMHI Community Elevation Initiative$45,000 7/26/2018Healthcare access and qualityTo support capacity building efforts at the organization.
The Multicultural Health InstitutePrescription self-help$150,000 2/19/2021Healthcare access and qualityTo support equal healthcare access for individuals who are traditionally uninsured and receive a poor quality of care.
The Multicultural Health InstituteSponsorship: Environmental Justice Event, 2023$5,000 3/8/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Multicultural Health InstituteSponsorship: 25th Anniversary Celebration$5,000 9/17/2021Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art FoundationHoward Bros. Circus Model: Enhancing the Visitor Experience$100,000 5/19/2023Social and community well-beingTo support improvements to museum feature exhibit.
The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art FoundationAnnual Membership, 2023$10,000 1/27/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art FoundationAnnual Membership, 2022$10,000 2/4/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art FoundationAnnual Membership, 2021$20,000 2/19/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art FoundationAnnual Membership, 2020$10,000 1/31/2020Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art FoundationCOVID-19 Response$10,000 5/5/2020Social and community well-beingTo provide extra support for the organization's operations due to the impact of COVID-19.
The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art FoundationAnnual Membership, 2025$10,000 2/6/2025Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art FoundationAnnual Membership, 2024$10,000 2/9/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art FoundationAnnual Membership, 2019$10,000 2/1/2019Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art FoundationAnnual Membership, 2018$10,000 2/2/2018Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art FoundationAnnual Membership, 2017$10,000 1/27/2017Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art FoundationAnnual Membership, 2016 $10,000 7/8/2016Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Jewish Federation Of Sarasota-ManateeAnnual support, 2023$25,000 12/20/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Jewish Federation Of Sarasota-ManateeAnnual Support, 2022$25,000 2/4/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Jewish Federation Of Sarasota-Manatee Annual Support, 2021$25,000 2/19/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Jewish Federation Of Sarasota-ManateeAnnual Support, 2025$30,000 2/6/2025Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Jewish Federation Of Sarasota-ManateeAnnual Support, 2024$25,000 2/9/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The HavenHurricane Ian Relief$95,000 10/28/2022Economic stabilityTo help cover unexpected expenses related to Hurricane Ian.
The HavenConstruction of New Residential Group Home for Adults with Developmental Disabilities$250,000 5/20/2021Economic stabilityFor matching opportunities toward the construction of a new residential group home for adults with developmental disabilities.
The HavenSponsorship: Farm to Table(aux), 2024$10,000 7/6/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The HavenAnnual Gala, 2025$2,200 8/27/2024Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce FoundationWorkforce Development$250,000 4/24/2015Economic stabilityTo support CareerEdge in training unemployed and under-employed adults in the Sarasota-Manatee region, particularly in computer science and transportation, distribution, and logistics.
The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce FoundationInternship Incentive Program$227,500 1/27/2017Economic stabilityTo support an internship incentive program that will place 125 students with paid internships at local companies.
The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce FoundationWorkforce Support Program$75,000 4/24/2019Economic stabilityTo support CareerEdge, a workforce development initiative.
The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce FoundationWorkforce Support Program$75,000 4/27/2018Economic stabilityTo support CareerEdge, a workforce development initiative.
The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce FoundationMiss Susie's Lunchroom$50,000 4/21/2017Economic stabilityStart-up funds for a redevelopment project to create a full-service restaurant in the Newtown neighborhood.
The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce FoundationCareerEdge & Opportunities for All 2024$550,000 8/9/2024Economic stabilityTo support workforce initiatives and internships in Sarasota County.
The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce FoundationOpportunities for All 2023$325,000 5/19/2023Economic stabilityTo support Opportunities for All.
The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce FoundationCareerEdge 2023$150,000 8/2/2023Economic stabilityTo support the CarreerEdge training program.
The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce FoundationOpportunities for All 2022$320,000 2/4/2022Economic stabilityTo support the help desk/navigator for small and minority-owned businesses in order for them to grow, while also pairing interns with local companies in the Sarasota/Manatee region.
The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce FoundationCareerEdge Funding$150,000 8/18/2022Economic stabilityTo support CareerEdge’s Bridges to Careers training program.
The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce FoundationCareerEdge Workforce Support – Bridges to Careers, On the Job Training & Internships $150,000 8/6/2021Economic stabilityTo support CareerEdge, which offers and incentivizes on-the-job training, internships, and fast-track vocational training so displaced and underemployed workers gain skills and wages.
The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce FoundationOpportunities for All$250,000 11/20/2020Economic stabilityTo support the Opportunities for All program.
The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce FoundationCareerEdge$150,000 5/1/2020Economic stabilityTo offer and incentivize on-the-job training, internships, and fast-track vocational training so displaced and underemployed workers gain skills and wages.
The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce FoundationSponsorship: National Civics Bee, 2024$10,000 12/3/2024Economic stabilityTo support the National Civics Bee.
The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce FoundationSponsorship: 2021 Centennial Celebration$10,000 8/12/2021Economic stabilityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce Foundation Leadership Sarasota Project: Butterfly Garden$5,000 1/4/2024Economic stabilityTo support the organizations operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce FoundationSponsorship: Annual Breakfast, 2024$3,500 3/6/2024Economic stabilityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce FoundationSponsorship: Annual Meeting, 2023$3,500 10/10/2023Economic stabilityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce FoundationWellness in the Workplace$2,000 11/13/2024Economic stabilityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce FoundationSponsorship: Annual Meeting, 2024$1,500 9/17/2024Economic stabilityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce FoundationSponsorship: Charleston Benchmarking Trip, 2024$1,000 8/16/2024Economic stabilityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Glasser/Schoenbaum Human Services CenterCampus Animator Position$101,612 11/12/2021Social and community well-beingFor the organization to hire a Campus Animator to help increase relationships and collaboration between the organization’s 17 human service tenants.
The Glasser/Schoenbaum Human Services CenterSponsorship: Collaboration Celebration, 2023$2,500 2/13/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts
The Florida Center for Early ChildhoodEvery Child Deserves A Chance$300,000 2/1/2019Education access and qualityTo hire mental health clinicians for the Starfish Academy to treat emotional, behavioral and relationship trauma in children six and younger.
The Florida Center for Early ChildhoodNurturing Futures: Building Capacity and Infrastructure for Early Childhood Excellence $1,000,000 8/2/2023Education access and qualityTo help build strong families and expand the potential of young children.
The Florida Center for Early ChildhoodHurricane Ian Recovery$215,362 11/22/2022Economic stabilityHurricane Ian Recovery
The Florida Center for Early ChildhoodInfant and Early Childhood Services and Supports$450,000 2/19/2021Education access and qualityFor Infant and Early Childhood Services and Supports.
The Florida Center for Early ChildhoodFunding needed to continue critical services during the COVID-19 crisis$125,000 5/1/2020Education access and qualityTo continue to provide critical childcare services during the COVID-19 crisis and ensure highly-trained mental health therapists remain available to help families in need.
The Florida Center for Early ChildhoodIn honor of Kathryn Shea’s Years of Leadership and Retirement$10,000 8/19/2020Education access and qualityIn honor of Kathryn Shea’s years of leadership and retirement.
The Florida Center for Early ChildhoodSponsorship: Inaugural Seaside Treasures Luncheon, 2023$10,000 2/13/2023Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Florida Center for Early ChildhoodSponsorship: Prevention Convention, 2024$7,500 7/12/2024Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Florida Center for Early ChildhoodSponsorship: Paddle Raise at Winter Gala, 2021$5,000 10/27/2021Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Florida Center for Early ChildhoodSponsorship: Mind Matters Education Symposium, 2021$5,000 5/5/2021Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Florida Center for Early ChildhoodSponsorship: 40th Anniversary Gala$2,500 10/9/2019Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Florida Center for Early ChildhoodHurricane Ian Recovery Fund$30,000 10/7/2022Economic stabilityTo help offset operating expenses related to Hurricane Ian.
The Florida Center for Early ChildhoodCMBF Initiative: Early learning - Infant Mental Health Consultation Model Part 2$430,000 11/20/2023Education access and qualityTo support preschool teachers in addressing the behavioral health needs of children.
The Florida Center for Early ChildhoodCMBF Initiative: Early Learning - Infant Mental health Consultation Model$350,000 8/25/2022Education access and qualityTo support preschool teachers in addressing the behavioral health needs of children.
The Florida Center for Early ChildhoodCMBF Initiative: First 1,000 Days - Unite Us Pilot/Tablets for Healthy Family Team$2,000 8/24/2022Education access and qualityTechnical support to expand use of Unite Us software.
The Communications NetworkAnnual Membership, 2023$700 4/5/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Children's MovementThe Future Project: Statewide Early Learning Roadmap & Local Impact for Sarasota$225,000 5/19/2023Education access and qualityTo engage parents in strategies to expand quality early learning.
The Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually ImpairedSponsorship: Gala, 2023$10,000 1/27/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually ImpairedSponsorship: Gala, 2022$10,000 2/4/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually ImpairedSponsorship: Gala, 2021$10,000 2/19/2021Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually ImpairedSponsorship: Gala, 2020$10,000 1/31/2020Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually ImpairedSponsorship: Gala, 2025$10,000 2/6/2025Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually ImpairedSponsorship: Gala, 2024$10,000 2/9/2024Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually ImpairedSponsorship: Gala, 2019$10,000 2/1/2019Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually ImpairedSponsorship: Gala, 2018$10,000 2/2/2018Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually ImpairedSponsorship: Gala, 2017$10,000 1/27/2017Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually ImpairedSponsorship: Gala, 2016 honoring Dr. Joel Kaplan$10,000 5/5/2016Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Bay Park ConservancyBayfront Wetlands, Bayou and Mangroves Restoration$940,000 2/1/2019Neighborhood and environmentTo support wetlands, bayou, and mangrove restoration.
The Bay Park ConservancyBay Park Conservancy Capacity Building$300,000 4/24/2019Neighborhood and environmentTo build capacity within the new organization and support fundraising efforts.
The Bay Park ConservancySarasota Bayfront Planning Organization$100,000 4/21/2017Neighborhood and environmentTo create a master redevelopment plan for 42 acres of Sarasota Bay-front property owned by the City of Sarasota.
The Bay Park ConservancyThe Bay Park Resilient Shoreline$1,000,000 11/8/2024Neighborhood and environmentTo support resilient shoreline and water quality improvements at The Bay Park.
The Bay Park ConservancyEffective and Efficient Operations$1,000,000 1/27/2023Neighborhood and environmentTo support continued expansion of The Bay Park Conservancy.
The Bay Park ConservancySponsorship: 2nd Anniversary Celebration, 2024$10,000 8/16/2024Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Bay Park ConservancySponsorship: 10 days at The Bay, 2023$10,000 8/21/2023Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Bay Park ConservancySponsorship: 10 days at The Bay, 2022$10,000 7/20/2022Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
The Academy at GlengaryReaching Underserved Populations$182,000 10/26/2018Healthcare access and qualityTo expand employment opportunities for adults with mental illness. Barancik Foundation funding will be used to increase outreach efforts.
The Academy at GlengaryAcademy at Bradenton: Wellness 2.0$200,000 5/10/2024Healthcare access and qualityTo support expansion of a wellness initiative to Manatee County.
The Academy at GlengaryWellness Within Reach$200,000 2/4/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo support the Wellness Within Reach program and to help the organization expand into Manatee County.
The Academy at GlengarySponsorship: Communicating Across The Aisle, 2023$2,500 9/26/2023Education access and qualityTo support adults seeking to improve their mental health.
Temple Emanu-ElMitzvah Backpack Program$21,000 7/28/2017Social and community well-beingTo support the Mitzvah Backpack Program, which provides backpacks filled with nutritious food to low-income children each week so they can have healthy meals over the weekend.
Temple Emanu-ElMitzvah Backpack Program, 2023$10,000 1/27/2023Economic stabilityTo support the Mitzvah Backpack Program, which provides backpacks filled with nutritious food to low-income children each week so they can have healthy meals over the weekend.
Temple Emanu-ElMitzvah Backpack Program, 2022$10,000 2/4/2022Economic stabilityTo support the Mitzvah Backpack Program, which provides backpacks filled with nutritious food to low-income children each week so they can have healthy meals over the weekend.
Temple Emanu-ElMitzvah Backpack Program, 2021$10,000 2/19/2021Economic stabilityTo support the Mitzvah Backpack Program, which provides backpacks filled with nutritious food to low-income children each week so they can have healthy meals over the weekend.
Temple Emanu-ElSponsorship: Temple Emanu-El honoring of Mickey Fine, 2017$1,000 8/14/2017Social and community well-beingTo support the Temple and recognize the important community contributions of Ms. Fine.
Temple Emanu-ElMitzvah Backpack Program, 2025$10,000 2/6/2025Economic stabilityTo support the Mitzvah Backpack Program, which provides backpacks filled with nutritious food to low-income children each week so they can have healthy meals over the weekend.
Temple Emanu-ElMitzvah Backpack Program, 2024$10,000 2/9/2024Economic stabilityTo support the Mitzvah Backpack Program, which provides backpacks filled with nutritious food to low-income children each week so they can have healthy meals over the weekend.
Teen Court Of SarasotaTeen Court Effective Counsel$125,000 2/4/2022Education access and qualityTo help the organization build capacity and meet the needs of Teen Court clients and families through mental health counseling, financial assistance, transportation and other services.
Teen Court Of SarasotaUnexpected Needs of Teen Court Families$100,000 5/1/2020Education access and qualityTo meet the unforeseen needs of Teen Court clients and families, including mental health counseling, financial assistance, transportation and other identified needs.
Take Stock in Children of Sarasota County2019 Barancik Scholars $150,000 11/1/2019Education access and qualityTo mentor and scholarship 10 youth, known as Barancik Scholars, to complete the Take Stock in Children program and pursue higher education post high school graduation.
Take Stock in Children of Sarasota CountyTake Stock in 21st Century Learning$100,000 4/27/2018Education access and qualityTo support a community-based scholarship and mentoring program that helps close the achievement gap for low-income students in hopes of breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty.
Take Stock in Children of Sarasota CountyCapacity Building for DeSoto County Student Success$400,000 8/9/2024Education access and qualityTo expand its support for students into DeSoto County.
Take Stock in Children of Sarasota CountyCapacity Grant to Support Program Growth$200,000 5/19/2023Education access and qualityTo increase organizational capacity.
Take Stock in Children of Sarasota CountyScholarship Portfolio Manager$225,000 8/6/2021Education access and qualityTo support the hiring of a Scholarship Portfolio Manager to connect scholars with community resources and academic opportunities.
Take Stock in Children of Sarasota CountyFlorida Prepaid Scholarships$150,000 11/20/2020Education access and qualityTo provide scholarships to Sarasota County students.
Take Stock in Children of Sarasota County2021 Barancik Scholars$149,600 11/20/2020Education access and qualityTo support our 2021 Barancik Scholars.
Take Stock in Children of Sarasota CountyCOVID-19 Operational Support for Virtual Operations$25,000 5/1/2020Education access and qualityTo provide support for the organization to continue its operations and help their students and families navigate through challenges created by the pandemic.
Sunshine Community CompostStrengthening the Roots of Resilience $265,000 8/2/2023Neighborhood and environmentTo support education and action programs that increase composting.
Sunshine Community CompostStart-up Community Compost Services for Sunshine$105,500 2/19/2021Neighborhood and environmentTo expand community compost services.
Sunshine Community CompostClosing the Loop on "Waste" by Expanding Community Compost Services in Sarasota$30,000 8/21/2020Neighborhood and environmentTo support efforts to build a regional composting model in Sarasota County.
Suncoast Women of ActionSponsorship: 10th Anniversary Celebration$2,500 6/28/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Suncoast WaterkeeperExpanding Water Quality Monitoring and Community Engagement$400,000 2/6/2025Neighborhood and environmentTo support and expand environmental monitoring of water quality across the region and mangrove health in vulnerable areas.
Suncoast WaterkeeperFostering Champions for Clean Water on the Suncoast$175,000 1/27/2023Neighborhood and environmentTo build capacity, map Sarasota Bay mangroves and increase communication efforts
Suncoast Science CenterTransforming Education through Peer Learning$50,000 5/20/2021Education access and qualityTo increase funds for scholarship opportunities and increase the Center’s free outreach to nonprofits and Title 1 schools.
Suncoast Science CenterSponsorship: RC Custom Car Open$5,000 2/27/2017Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Suncoast Partnership to End HomelessnessSOAR Team$562,080 4/24/2019Economic stabilityTo pilot the SOAR Team program to connect homeless individuals with available resources and benefits.
Suncoast Partnership to End HomelessnessCapacity Support$496,000 8/9/2024Economic stabilityTo support capacity building efforts.
Suncoast Partnership to End HomelessnessSuncoast Housing Collaborative $250,000 8/18/2022Economic stabilityTo create a mitigation fund for landlords by offering financial assurances and incentives for lowering barriers and housing highly vulnerable individuals and families.
Suncoast Partnership to End HomelessnessFlexible Housing Fund$250,000 5/12/2022Economic stabilityTo Suncoast Partnership to End Homelessness to establish a flexible housing fund.
SunCoast Blood CentersBloodmobile Solar and Battery Conversion$46,000 2/9/2024Healthcare access and qualityTo increase the supply of blood donations and to retrofit a mobile unit to be energy efficient.
SunCoast Blood CentersEnvironmental Incubator Fund$80,000 5/13/2024Neighborhood and environmentTo support the creation of an environmental incubator shared space.
Suncoast Black Arts CollaborativeSyllabus of Color$106,700 5/20/2021Social and community well-beingTo enhance partnerships with our schools and other organizations committed to developing relevant arts curriculum and experiences for students of color.
Suncoast Aquatic Nature Center AssociatesEmbracing Our Differences Public Art Exhibition and Outreach at Nathan Benderson Park$35,000 3/30/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the 2021 Embracing Our Differences exhibit encore at Nathan Benderson Park.
Step Up SuncoastStepping Up Our Service to the Community$557,662 12/19/2022Economic stabilityTo support capacity building efforts to assist with case management and financial support for clients.
State College of Florida FoundationBarancik Foundation Early Educators$100,000 10/26/2018Education access and qualityTo assist those pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Early Childhood Education.
State College of Florida FoundationStudent Success in Gator Engineering@SCF & New SCF STEM Pathways$60,000 1/27/2017Education access and qualityTo increase SCF’s academic advisor capacity. The advisor will support students in Gator Engineering@SCF and the new STEM Pathways program.
State College of Florida FoundationBaccalaureate Education Degrees and CROP Program Expansion$429,445 11/3/2023Education access and qualityTo support training of Elementary Educators and to increase access for underserved.
State College of Florida FoundationAssociate of Nursing Evening & Weekend Degree Option$450,000 11/12/2021Education access and qualityTo development of an evening and weekend nursing program.
State College of Florida FoundationState College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota Baccalaureate Education Degrees$217,767 2/19/2021Education access and qualityTo support Baccalaureate Education Degree expenses and strengthen the pipeline of aspiring educators in our community.
State College of Florida FoundationSponsorship: Virtual Scholarship Luncheon, 2020$10,000 7/29/2020Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
State College of Florida FoundationSponsorship: Avenues to the Future inauguration Dinner, 2025$5,000 1/8/2025Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
State College of Florida FoundationHurricane Ian Relief Fund$25,000 10/18/2022Economic stabilityTo provide immediate relief to students and staff of SCF impacted by Hurricane Ian.
State College of Florida FoundationCMBF Initiative: Teacher Recruitment|Retention$45,811 9/12/2023Education access and qualityTo support Teacher Recruitment and Retention efforts for Sarasota County Schools.
St. Petersburg Free ClinicMatching Grant to the St. Petersburg Free Clinic for Medical Services$50,000 8/10/2015Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
St. Paul Lutheran ChurchHurricane Ian Repair and Teacher & Family Support$11,000 8/29/2023Education access and qualityTo help with repairs and support teachers & families following Hurricane Ian.
St. Paul Lutheran ChurchSponsorship: Twenty Tuesdays$5,000 5/13/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the Twenty Tuesdays community meal program.
SRQ StrongBuilding a Trauma-Informed Community$250,000 10/27/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo support capacity building.
Southface InstituteGoodUse Florida$200,000 11/8/2024Neighborhood and environmentTo support energy- and water-efficiency solutions at nonprofit organizations through the GoodUse program.
Southface InstituteEnhancing economic, social and environmental wellbeing through regenerative practices and policies$50,000 5/20/2021Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization as it works in Sarasota to promote sustainable homes, workplaces, and communities through education, research, advocacy, and technical assistance.
Southface InstituteJoint Initiative: Partners for Green Places, Phase 2$600,000 8/25/2022Neighborhood and environmentTo conserve energy resources and help protect the environment.
Solutions To Avoid Red TideHealthy Pond Collaborative 2024$350,000 8/9/2024Neighborhood and environmentTo support efforts to reduce excess nutrients in our waterways.
Solutions To Avoid Red TideHealthy Pond Collaborative Manatee$100,000 5/12/2022Neighborhood and environmentTo improve the quality of our waterways by emphasizing the reduction and flow of excess nutrients out of our ponds.
Solutions To Avoid Red TideHealthy Pond Collaborative Sarasota$250,000 8/6/2021Neighborhood and environmentTo create a Healthy Pond Collaborative.
Solar United Neighbors of FloridaFlorida Solar United Neighborhoods (FL SUN)$30,000 7/8/2016Neighborhood and environmentTo support the expansion of solar energy in Florida.
Soar Learning CenterSoar Learning Center, Inc.$100,000 10/26/2018Education access and qualityTo help cover operational/programmatic expenses during the organization’s first year in a new 3,000-square foot facility.
Soar Learning CenterSOAR Enhancement Program$50,000 8/21/2020Education access and qualityTo provide extra investment into neighborhood education centers and reduce the achievement gap.
Senior Friendship CentersMatching Grant to Senior Friendship Centers for Medical Services$50,000 7/14/2015Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s health clinic which serves the low-income and uninsured in Sarasota County.
Senior Friendship CentersFriendship at Home$367,190 2/6/2025Healthcare access and qualityTo support and expand the Friendship at Home program for homebound seniors.
Senior Friendship CentersHurricane Ian Recovery$60,000 11/22/2022Economic stabilityHurricane Ian Recovery
Senior Friendship CentersSustainable Solutions for Seniors$228,462 8/6/2021Healthcare access and qualityFor its Sustainable Solutions for Seniors program to create a revenue stream to support unpaid services for the neediest of clients.
Second Heart HomesNot a House, but a Home$650,000 8/9/2024Economic stabilityTo support housing for formerly homeless individuals.
Second Heart HomesSecond Heart Homes Expansion$300,000 5/12/2022Economic stabilityTo Second Heart Homes to purchase additional homes to help address homelessness.
Second Heart HomesHousing Homeless Women$125,000 11/12/2021Economic stabilityFor the Homeless Women project. Funding will help support a housing-first model and provide social services for women, while also allowing the organization to expand its operations.
Second Heart Homes2024 FPN Summit Speaker Reimbursement$2,249 3/15/2024Economic stability2024 FPN Summit Speaker Reimbursement.
Second Chance Last OpportunityStepping Up$150,000 1/27/2023Economic stabilityTo build capacity at organization and provide emergency assistance funding.
Second Chance Last OpportunityOpportunity Funding$75,000 8/21/2020Economic stabilityTo provide support for the organization to effectively meet the needs of its community.
Science and Environment Council of Southwest Florida2023 EcoSummit + Expo$250,000 8/18/2022Neighborhood and environmentTo support an Environmental Summit that convenes and engages our regional community in meaningful dialogue that motivates action on priority environmental challenges and solutions.
Science and Environment Council of Southwest FloridaEnvironmental Action Toolkit: Citizen Solutions for Food, Waste, Water, Energy, and Nature$284,240 11/20/2020Neighborhood and environmentTo create an Environmental Action Toolkit.
School District of Manatee CountyCMBF Initiative: First 1,000 Days Technology and Incentive Funding to support Unite Us Expansion$49,999 6/28/2023Education access and qualityTo support efforts within the school district to expand the use of Unite Us to connect more students and families to community resources.
Sarasota Performing Arts Center FoundationMaking Artistic and Inspiring Narratives Project $28,120 10/26/2018Social and community well-beingTo support a six-day workshop on the concepts, themes, and characters of “The Lion King.”
Sarasota Performing Arts Center FoundationFoundation for the Future$200,000 11/12/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the Foundation for the Future program.
Sarasota Performing Arts Center FoundationVan Wezel Education Programming and Partnership Expansion $90,000 11/20/2020Social and community well-beingFor education programming and partnership expansion.
Sarasota Performing Arts Center FoundationTeacher Appreciation Night at Sarasota Performing Arts Foundation, 2023$10,000 10/4/2023Education access and qualityTo sponsor free tickets for early learning and K-12 teachers to attend a performance of 'Bored Teachers' on October 13.
Sarasota OrchestraSponsorship: Farewell to Anu Tali, 2019$25,000 2/2/2018Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota OrchestraSarasota Youth Orchestra, 2017-18$15,000 7/28/2017Social and community well-beingTo provide financial assistance for youth whose families are below the federal poverty line to receive music education and enrichment through the Sarasota Youth Orchestra.
Sarasota OrchestraAnnual Support, 2023-24$65,000 1/27/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota OrchestraAnnual Support, 2022-23$60,000 2/4/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota OrchestraAnnual Support, 2021-22$120,000 2/19/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota OrchestraAnnual Support, 2020-21$60,000 1/31/2020Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota OrchestraSponsorship: All County Ensembles, 2023$10,000 7/19/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the All County (Sarasota/Manatee) Ensembles.
Sarasota OrchestraSponsorship: Star Wars in Concert, 2024$9,600 8/14/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota OrchestraSarasota Arts Leaders Retreat Underwriting$6,000 10/25/2023Social and community well-beingTo underwrite the Sarasota Arts Leaders Retreat
Sarasota OrchestraAnnual Support, 2022-23$5,000 5/13/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota OrchestraSponsorship: A Little Night Music special event$2,500 1/23/2017Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota OrchestraCOVID-19 Response$60,000 5/5/2020Social and community well-beingTo provide extra support for the organization's operations due to the impact of COVID-19.
Sarasota OrchestraAnnual Support, 2025-26$75,000 2/6/2025Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota OrchestraAnnual Support, 2024-25$65,000 2/9/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota OrchestraAnnual Support, 2019-20$55,000 2/1/2019Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota OrchestraAnnual Support, 2018-19$55,000 2/2/2018Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota OrchestraAnnual Support, 2017-18$55,000 1/27/2017Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota OrchestraAnnual Support, 2016-17 $55,000 7/8/2016Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota OrchestraAnnual Support, 2015-16$25,000 8/12/2015Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota OrchestraSponsorship: Enchanted Evenings and Youth Orchestra, 2015$25,000 7/23/2015Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Opera AssociationAnnual Support, 2023-24$20,000 1/27/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Opera AssociationAnnual Support, 2022-23$20,000 2/4/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Opera AssociationAnnual Support, 2021-22$24,000 2/19/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Opera AssociationAnnual Support, 2020-21$12,000 1/31/2020Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Opera AssociationCollaboration with Booker High School$10,000 8/25/2021Social and community well-beingTo allow low-income high school students to attend the Opera.
Sarasota Opera AssociationCOVID-19 Response$12,000 5/5/2020Social and community well-beingTo provide extra support for the organization's operations due to the impact of COVID-19.
Sarasota Opera AssociationAnnual Support, 2025-26$25,000 2/6/2025Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Opera AssociationAnnual Support, 2024-25$20,000 2/9/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Opera AssociationAnnual Support, 2019-20$12,000 2/1/2019Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Opera AssociationAnnual Support, 2018-19$12,000 2/2/2018Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Opera AssociationAnnual Support, 2017-18$10,000 1/27/2017Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Opera AssociationAnnual Support, 2016-17$10,000 4/12/2016Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Opera AssociationAnnual Support, 2015-16$5,000 11/13/2015Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare FoundationThe Sarasota Memorial Cancer Institute's Patient Navigation Program$680,540 4/27/2018Healthcare access and qualityTo support patient navigators who will guide patients through the complex continuum of cancer care and road to recovery.
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare FoundationSarasota Memorial Healthcare Youth Intensive Outpatient Program$1,000,000 1/27/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo increase behavioral and mental health services in community.
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare FoundationSponsorship: Corporate Sponsorship, 2023-24$30,000 1/27/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare FoundationPaddle Raise: Hospital Gala, 2024$25,000 8/4/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare FoundationSponsorship: Corporate Sponsorship, 2022-23$30,000 2/4/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare FoundationPaddle Raise: Hospital Gala, 2023$25,000 8/18/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare FoundationPaddle Raise: Hospital Gala, 2022$25,000 2/4/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare FoundationExcellence in Nursing During COVID and Beyond$400,000 8/6/2021Healthcare access and qualityTo create a nursing pipeline through the University of South Florida and provide mental wellness training for new and existing healthcare professionals.
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare FoundationSponsorship: Corporate Sponsorship, 2021-22$30,000 2/19/2021Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare FoundationPaddle Raise: Hospital Gala, 2021$25,000 2/19/2021Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare FoundationSponsorship: Corporate Sponsorship, 2020-21$30,000 1/31/2020Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare FoundationPaddle Raise: Hospital Gala, 2020$25,000 1/31/2020Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare FoundationHurricane Ian Recovery Fund$200,000 10/6/2022Economic stabilityTo provide immediate relief to hospital employees post Hurricane Ian.
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare FoundationHurricane Human Relief Fund, 2024$75,000 10/15/2024Healthcare access and qualityTo meet immediate basic human needs following Hurricane Milton.
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare FoundationCMBF Initiative: First 1,000 Days Suncoast Matching Funds$700,000 11/3/2023Education access and qualityTo provide match funds to support the long-term sustainability of First 1,000 Days Suncoast.
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare FoundationSponsorship: Corporate Sponsorship, 2025-26$30,000 2/6/2025Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare FoundationSponsorship: Corporate Sponsorship, 2024-25$30,000 2/9/2024Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare FoundationSponsorship: Corporate Sponsorship, 2019-20$30,000 2/1/2019Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare FoundationSponsorship: Corporate Sponsorship, 2018-19$30,000 2/2/2018Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare FoundationSponsorship: Corporate Sponsorship, 2017-18$30,000 7/28/2017Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare FoundationPaddle Raise: Hospital Gala, 2025$25,000 8/13/2024Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Manatee Association For Riding TherapySuccession Planning - The Future of SMART's Therapeutic Carriage Driving Program$34,550 10/26/2018Healthcare access and qualityTo support the Therapeutic Carriage Driving program and open up the healing power of horses to those who may be unable to participate in other programming.
Sarasota Housing Funding CorporationLofts on Lemon Hometown Heroes$2,000,000 10/26/2018Economic stabilityTo support the Lofts on Lemon affordable housing project, specifically units for Sarasota County teachers, law enforcement, and other first responders.
Sarasota Housing Funding CorporationSupporting Housing Affordability through Energy Efficiency$455,000 1/31/2020Neighborhood and environmentTo support a partnership of the Sarasota Housing Authority and Sarasota County to decrease electricity bills and increase air quality, health, and economic self-sufficiency for low-income residents.
Sarasota Housing Funding CorporationBreaking the Cycle of Poverty by Enhancing Childhood Education in Public Housing$420,000 2/6/2025Education access and qualityTo support quality, on-site education for residents of Sarasota public housing.
Sarasota Housing Funding CorporationSponsorship: State Conference Book Donation$1,000 4/29/2019Economic stabilityTo provide books for attendees of the 2019 Florida Association of Housing & Redevelopment Officials Statewide Conference.
Sarasota County Sheriff's OfficeCMBF Initiative: Emergency Responder - Law Enforcement Driving Simulator$240,000 11/12/2021Neighborhood and environmentA grant to Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office to purchase two simulators and improve first responder driver safety.
Sarasota County Sheriff's OfficeOvercoming Re-entry Barriers$225,000 5/20/2021Social and community well-beingTo fill gaps identified by re-entry navigators, add mental health capacity, and supplement funding for critical expenses as individuals transition out of the justice system.
Sarasota County Sheriff's OfficeCMBF Initiative: Recidivism - Reentry Navigator, 2022$172,241 12/12/2022Social and community well-beingTo hire and support a Reentry Navigator position for the Sarasota County Sheriff's Office.
Sarasota County Sheriff's OfficeCMBF Initiative: Recidivism - Reentry Navigator and Inmate Assistance Fund, 2024$121,878 6/12/2024Social and community well-beingTo reduce recidivism in the 12th Judicial Circuit.
Sarasota County Sheriff's OfficeCMBF Initiative: Recidivism - Sarasota Inmate Assistance$25,000 11/16/2023Social and community well-beingTo create a fund that provides personal items and other services to inmates returning to the community.
Sarasota County Schools21st Century School Initiative$525,000 7/28/2017Education access and qualityTo complete a collaborative initiative with Gulf Coast Community Foundation and Sarasota County Schools that has physically and academically transformed middle-school classrooms throughout the county.
Sarasota County SchoolsReading Recovery For ALL!$511,000 4/21/2017Education access and qualityTo employ literacy teachers trained through the Reading Recovery program at seven elementary schools.
Sarasota County SchoolsMaking Sarasota #1 in Mathematics$480,000 4/21/2017Education access and qualityTo build professional capacity in math instruction across the school district.
Sarasota County SchoolsFrom Student Leader to School Leader and Reading Recovery Expansion$335,000 8/6/2021Education access and qualityTo support the Mapping the Journey from Student Leader to School Leader program and expand Reading Recovery.
Sarasota County SchoolsClosing the Literacy Gap$251,759 7/27/2018Education access and qualityTo support training for teacher teams focused on bridging the literacy gap between elementary and middle school.
Sarasota County SchoolsClosing the Literacy Gap: The Sequel$221,942 7/26/2019Education access and qualityTo support the district’s efforts to improve English Language Arts proficiency for students in 2nd through 7th grade.
Sarasota County SchoolsContinuing to Innovate in Our High School Intensive Language Arts Classrooms$157,000 4/24/2019Education access and qualityTo fully execute and complete the High School Intensive Language Arts Classroom project, improving classes for high school students not reading at grade-level.
Sarasota County SchoolsInnovative High School Intensive Language Arts Classrooms$97,000 7/27/2018Education access and qualityTo pilot a program focused on improving Intensive Language Arts classes for high school students not reading at grade-level.
Sarasota County SchoolsFresh Fruit and Vegetable Program - A Continuation of Services$56,400 11/3/2017Education access and qualityTo sustain the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program at Tuttle and Alta Vista elementary schools.
Sarasota County SchoolsExtending Reading Recovery Literacy Toolkits to ALL K/1 Teachers$36,214 4/24/2019Education access and qualityTo purchase supplies to create Reading Recovery multisensory literacy kits to be used in kindergarten and first grade classrooms.
Sarasota County SchoolsCrisis Text Line HERE4U: Spreading Hope$14,300 7/26/2018Education access and qualityTo implement a Crisis Text Line awareness campaign in Sarasota middle and high schools so that students are aware that help is immediately available 24/7.
Sarasota County SchoolsProfessional Learning Opportunities$1,200,000 2/6/2025Education access and qualityTo support comprehensive professional development for educators, school administrators, and other staff.
Sarasota County SchoolsHardwiring Organizational Excellence$478,020 5/10/2024Education access and qualityTo pursue the school district's mission through organizational excellence.
Sarasota County SchoolsRipple Effect Teacher Grants, 2023$5,000 1/27/2023Education access and qualityTo honor Chuck and Margie on their birthdays and recognize teachers by providing $5,000 gifts to 10 teachers who have had what Margie described as the "Ripple Effect" in the school system.
Sarasota County SchoolsSupporting the Arts Teachers$100,000 5/12/2022Education access and qualityTo provide unrestricted funding to help respond to children’s immediate and ongoing needs when they are removed from abusive or neglectful homes.
Sarasota County SchoolsReading Recovery 2022 - 2023$56,622 8/18/2022Education access and qualityTo support the growth and sustainability of Sarasota’s Reading Recovery program.
Sarasota County SchoolsRipple Effect Teacher Grants, 2022$50,000 2/4/2022Education access and qualityTo honor Chuck and Margie on their birthdays and recognize teachers by providing $5,000 gifts to 10 teachers who have had what Margie described as the "Ripple Effect" in the school system.
Sarasota County SchoolsRipple Effect Teacher Grants, 2021$50,000 2/19/2021Education access and qualityTo honor Chuck and Margie on their birthdays and recognize teachers by provide $5,000 gifts to 10 teachers who have had what Margie described as the “Ripple Effect” in the school system.
Sarasota County SchoolsModern Band$75,315 1/31/2020Education access and qualityTo expand music programming and pilot the Kids Rock modern band program in Sarasota County schools.
Sarasota County SchoolsSponsorship: People’s Choice Award for the Student Film Contest, 2019$5,000 2/26/2019Education access and qualityTo support the People's Choice Award for the 2019 Student Film Contest.
Sarasota County SchoolsSponsorship: Career Skills Challenge, 2022$3,000 11/8/2022Education access and qualityTo support Dr. Amy Earl's (Sarasota Schools) efforts to introduce students to career opportunities.
Sarasota County SchoolsBooker Law Academy in honor of Gerry Lublin$2,750 5/20/2024Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota County SchoolsTeacher Training Day$1,500 6/26/2018Education access and qualityTo provide food for teachers who attended the 2018 Exceptional Student Education Institute at Suncoast Technical College.
Sarasota County SchoolsHurricane Ian Recovery Fund, Installment 3$100,000 10/17/2022Economic stabilityTo provide emergency relief funds for school district employees after Hurricane Ian.
Sarasota County SchoolsHurricane Ian Recovery Fund, Installment 2$100,000 10/6/2022Economic stabilityTo provide emergency relief funds for school district employees after Hurricane Ian.
Sarasota County SchoolsHurricane Ian Recovery Fund$100,000 10/5/2022Economic stabilityTo provide immediate relief to school district employees post Hurricane Ian.
Sarasota County SchoolsCMBF Initiative: Teacher Recruitment, Retention, and Recognition$762,852 5/28/2024Education access and qualityTo support Teacher Recruitment and Retention efforts for Sarasota County Schools.
Sarasota County SchoolsElementary Math Teacher Training Initiative$619,144 11/13/2015Education access and qualityTo support elementary teacher training in math education and increase student proficiency.
Sarasota County SchoolsCMBF Initiative: Teacher RRR - Talent Acquistion Coordinator, 2024-25$145,000 5/20/2024Education access and qualityTo support Teacher Recruitment and Retention efforts for Sarasota County Schools.
Sarasota County SchoolsCMBF Initiative: Educators Rising Pilot$125,000 2/2/2018Education access and qualityTo launch the Educators Rising Initiative, which will recruit high school students to become teachers by offering Career and Technical Education and Dual Enrollment Courses.
Sarasota County SchoolsCMBF Initiative: Barancik Foundation Emerging Educators Initiative$125,000 11/3/2017Education access and qualityTo support a partnership with State College of Florida (SCF) Educator Preparation Institute to recruit college degreed adults interested in a second career in teaching.
Sarasota County SchoolsCMBF Initiative: Teacher Recruitment|Retention - Foundations Academy$57,411 5/4/2023Education access and qualityTo support the recruitment and retainment of teachers.
Sarasota County SchoolsCMBF Initiative: Teacher Recruitment, Retention, and Recognition - Learning Forward Jump Start Plan, 2024$50,000 8/23/2024Education access and quality To support professional development for Principals and Assistant Principals.
Sarasota County SchoolsCMBF Initiative: Teacher Recruitment|Retention - Employee Wellness & Engagement$30,000 9/12/2023Education access and qualityTo support employee wellness and engagement at Sarasota County Schools as part of Teacher Recruitment/Retention initiative.
Sarasota County SchoolsCMBF Initiative: Early Learning, Sponsorship of ELC Business Breakfast$1,500 10/31/2023Education access and qualityTo support the Early Learning Coalition
Sarasota County SchoolsCMBF Initiative: Teacher Recruitment|Retention - Staff Recognition at Venice High School$1,000 8/2/2023Education access and qualityMatching grant for staff recognition at Venice High School.
Sarasota Children's MuseumGoing Mobile$175,000 8/9/2024Education access and qualityTo support a mobile educational outreach program.
Sarasota Children's MuseumMobile Museum Sessions$5,000 2/9/2024Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota Bay WatchRestoring Native Clams in Sarasota Bay$106,000 7/26/2019Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s efforts to clean and restore Sarasota Bay through harvesting native clams.
Sarasota Audubon SocietyQuad Parcels$100,000 2/4/2022Neighborhood and environmentTo advance conservation efforts at the Quad Parcels. Once completed, the Quad parcels will be used for educational and interpretive walks and talks on environmental issues facing Sarasota and beyond.
Sarasota African American Cultural CoalitionCapacity Building for SAACC$200,000 11/12/2021Social and community well-beingA grant to Sarasota African American Cultural Coalition for capacity building.
Samaritan Counseling Services Of The Gulf CoastFuture Community Counselors$400,000 8/2/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo increase capacity and train additional mental health professionals.
Safe Children CoalitionTalent Retention Project$750,000 8/9/2024Social and community well-beingTo support staff retention efforts and capacity building.
Safe Children CoalitionSafe Children Coalition Youth Shelter$1,000,000 8/18/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the construction of a new youth shelter for children in foster care.
Safe Children CoalitionDevelopment Capacity Building for start-up years as a newly transformed nonprofit$503,294 1/31/2020Social and community well-beingA three-year grant to the region's leading foster care agency, Safe Children Coalition, to build professional capacity in the areas of fundraising and development.
Safe Children CoalitionSponsorship: Safe Children Coalition Breakfast, 2025$5,000 1/29/2025Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Safe Children CoalitionSponsorship: Giving Breakfast, 2022$5,000 11/3/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Safe Children CoalitionCMBF Initiative: First 1,000 Days - Unite Us Incentive and Technology Grant, Prevention Department$35,000 12/15/2022Social and community well-beingTo support efforts within the Prevention Department to expand the use of Unite Us to connect more families to resources.
Ringling College of Art and DesignLibrary of the Future$1,000,000 6/11/2014Education access and qualityTo construct the Academic Resource Center in the Alfred R. Goldstein Library.
Ringling College of Art and DesignCharles & Margery Barancik Foundation Masterpiece Scholarship at Ringling College of Art and Design$1,000,000 4/27/2018Education access and qualityTo establish a Barancik Masterpiece Scholarship at Ringling College of Art & Design that will guarantee full tuition through graduation for one student every four years.
Ringling College of Art and DesignCollege Consortium of the Creative Coast- C4 Consultant$25,000 6/26/2015Education access and qualityTo support the College Consortium of the Creative Coast.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSarasota Art Museum Community Catalyst Initiatives$550,000 2/9/2024Social and community well-beingTo support increased access at Sarasota Art Museum.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSponsorship: Avant Garde, 2024$25,000 8/4/2023Education access and qualityTo support the college's Avant Garde event, which raises scholarship funds for students.
Ringling College of Art and DesignPaddle Raise: Avant Garde, 2023$25,000 1/27/2023Education access and qualityTo support the college's Avant Garde event, which raises scholarship funds for students.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSponsorship: Sarasota Art Museum Annual Gala, 2023$10,000 8/4/2023Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ringling College of Art and DesignFree Second Sundays and Education Outreach to Underserved Communities$262,273 8/18/2022Education access and qualityTo support thought-provoking exhibitions and hands-on activities during Sarasota Art Museum’s free Second Sundays programming.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSponsorship: Avant Garde, 2023$25,000 8/18/2022Education access and qualityTo support the college's Avant Garde event, which raises scholarship funds for students.
Ringling College of Art and DesignPaddle Raise: Avant Garde, 2022$25,000 2/4/2022Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSponsorship: Sarasota Art Museum's Annual Gala, 2022$10,000 8/18/2022Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ringling College of Art and DesignFree Day at the Sarasota Art Museum$100,000 11/12/2021Education access and qualityTo support the Sarasota Art Museum’s “free day” program. The program allows all members of the community, regardless of means, admission to enjoy art in the museum.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSponsorship: Avant Garde, 2022$25,000 8/6/2021Education access and qualityTo support the college’s Avant Garde event, which raises scholarship funds for students.
Ringling College of Art and DesignPaddle Raise: Avant Garde, 2021$25,000 2/19/2021Education access and qualityTo support the college's Avant Garde event, which raises scholarship funds for students.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSponsorship: Sarasota Art Museum Opening Gala, 2021$6,000 8/6/2021Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ringling College of Art and DesignOvercoming Barriers to Access$253,640 8/21/2020Education access and qualityTo support the Overcoming Barriers to Access program.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSponsorship: Avant Garde, 2021$25,000 8/21/2020Education access and qualityTo support the college’s Avant Garde event, which raises scholarship funds for students.
Ringling College of Art and DesignPaddle Raise: Avant Garde, 2020$25,000 1/31/2020Education access and qualityTo support the college's Avant Garde event, which raises scholarship funds for students.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSponsorship: Sarasota Art Museum Opening Gala, 2020$5,000 8/21/2020Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSponsorship: Unconventional Evening and En Plein Air, 2023$7,500 1/1/2023Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ringling College of Art and DesignPaddle Raise: Art Bash, 2024 - Second Installment$5,000 12/17/2024Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ringling College of Art and DesignPaddle Raise: SAM Art Bash, 2024$5,000 6/28/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSponsorship: Unconventional Evening and En Plein Air, 2024$5,000 1/12/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSponsorship: Sarasota Art Museum Opening Gala, 2019$5,000 8/5/2019Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSponsorship: Sarasota Art Museum's Unconventional Evening$5,000 1/25/2022Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ringling College of Art and DesignCrossing the Finish Line Scholarship Fund, in honor Stacey Corley, Stacy Quaid and Lora Wey$5,000 8/3/2021Education access and qualityFor the Crossing the Finish Line Scholarship Fund.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSponsorship: En Plein Air, 2025$2,500 6/28/2024Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSponsorship: President Larry Thompson's 20th Anniversary Celebration$2,500 2/20/2019Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSponsorship: Honoring Dr. Larry Thompson and Celebrating 85 Years$2,000 3/11/2016Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and fundraising efforts in honor of Dr. Larry Thompson.
Ringling College of Art and DesignPaddle Raise: Avant Garde, 2025$25,000 2/6/2025Education access and qualityTo support the college's Avant Garde event, which raises scholarship funds for students.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSponsorship: Avant Garde, 2025$25,000 8/12/2024Education access and qualityTo support the college's Avant Garde event, which raises scholarship funds for students.
Ringling College of Art and DesignPaddle Raise: Avant Garde, 2024$25,000 2/9/2024Education access and qualityTo support the college's Avant Garde event, which raises scholarship funds for students.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSponsorship: Avant Garde, 2020$25,000 7/26/2019Education access and qualityTo support the college’s Avant Garde event, which raises scholarship funds for students.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSponsorship: Avant Garde, 2019$25,000 7/27/2018Education access and qualityTo support the college’s Avant Garde event, which raises scholarship funds for students.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSponsorship: Avant Garde, 2018$25,000 7/28/2017Education access and qualityTo support the college’s Avant Garde event, which raises scholarship funds for students.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSponsorship: Avant Garde, 2017$25,000 9/27/2016Social and community well-beingTo support the college’s Avant Garde event, which raises scholarship funds for students.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSponsorship: Avant Garde, 2016$25,000 1/20/2016Education access and qualityTo support the college’s Avant Garde event, which raises scholarship funds for students.
Ringling College of Art and DesignSponsorship: Sarasota Art Museum Annual Gala, 2024$10,000 8/12/2024Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Restore GlobalSarasota County Regional Expansion$150,000 11/20/2020Economic stabilityFor its Sarasota County regional expansion.
Resilient RetreatEmpowering Communities by Building Resilience$444,869 5/10/2024Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's trauma-informed programs and operating capacity.
Resilient RetreatStrategic Flexibility$600,000 8/18/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo expand mental health programs designed for first responders and helping professionals in the community.
Resilient RetreatHealing the Impact of Trauma Through Program Expansion$125,000 5/20/2021Healthcare access and qualityTo build capacity and provide trauma-informed care training and therapies for groups and individuals in the community.
Resilient RetreatStaff Retreats for Planned Parenthood $4,150 5/18/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo provide trauma informed training and care for the staff of Planned Parenthood.
Resilient RetreatHurricane Ian Relief Fund$7,500 10/18/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo provide mental health support to residents impacted by Hurricane Ian.
Resilient RetreatCMBF Initiative: Teacher Recruitment|Retention Plus - Empowering Educators$12,500 9/21/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo provide mental health education and support to teachers.
Redefine ThisJanie's Garden Free Summer Program Match$5,000 4/4/2024Education access and qualityMatching grant to raise funds to offer a free summer program at Janie’s Garden
Rebuilding Together Tampa BayPreserving Safe, Healthy, and Affordable Housing in Newtown and DeSoto$250,000 2/9/2024Economic stabilityTo support neighborhood revitalization while also helping residents retain homeowners.
Rebuilding Together Tampa BayCMBF Initiative: Affordable Housing - Building Synergy in Newtown, 2025$150,000 12/16/2024Neighborhood and environmentTo fund additional housing improvements in Newtown to help residents remain in their homes and to create a pilot neighborhood for attracting other participants.
Ravinia Festival AssociationSponsorship: Summer Concert, 2023$50,000 1/27/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ravinia Festival AssociationSponsorship: Summer Concert, 2022$50,000 2/4/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ravinia Festival AssociationSponsorship: Summer Concert, 2021$100,000 2/19/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ravinia Festival AssociationSponsorship: Summer Concert, 2020$50,000 1/31/2020Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ravinia Festival AssociationCOVID-19 Response$50,000 5/5/2020Social and community well-beingTo provide extra support for the organization's operations due to the impact of COVID-19.
Ravinia Festival AssociationSponsorship: Summer Concert, 2014 and 2015$100,000 5/1/2014Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ravinia Festival AssociationSponsorship: Summer Concert, 2025$60,000 2/6/2025Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ravinia Festival AssociationSponsorship: Summer Concert, 2024$60,000 2/9/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ravinia Festival AssociationSponsorship: Summer Concert, 2019$50,000 2/1/2019Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ravinia Festival AssociationSponsorship: Summer Concert, 2018$50,000 2/2/2018Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ravinia Festival AssociationSponsorship: Summer Concert, 2016$50,000 2/12/2016Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Ravinia Festival AssociationSponsorship: Summer Concert, 2017$35,000 1/27/2017Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Project ProsperManatee County Expansion$150,000 8/9/2024Economic stabilityTo support the organization's expansion into Manatee County.
Project Light of ManateeRays of Light$225,000 8/2/2023Education access and qualityTo support the advancement of adult learners through English proficiency.
Project 180 SarasotaProject 180 Residential Program Home Purchase$230,000 4/24/2019Economic stabilityTo support expenses related to acquiring and maintaining property for the organization's Residential Program.
Project 180 SarasotaTaking Us to the Next Level$475,000 2/6/2025Social and community well-beingTo support infrastructure and staff capacity so the organization can serve more formerly incarcerated community members.
Project 180 SarasotaProject 180 Residential Program Home Purchase$450,000 5/19/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the purchase of another house.
Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central FloridaAffordable Reproductive Health Care and Outreach Prevention Education - Sarasota County$130,000 11/1/2019Healthcare access and qualityTo educate youth on reproductive health and provide affordable access to health care.
Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central FloridaPeer Education Pilot Program & Access to Affordable Prevention Health Care$90,000 10/26/2018Healthcare access and qualityTo help offset costs of providing high-quality, affordable health care, birth control, cancer screening, and sexually-transmitted disease testing and treatment, and to provide peer education.
Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central FloridaKeeping Prevention Health Care Affordable and Accessible$50,000 11/3/2017Healthcare access and qualityTo provide affordable, accessible healthcare to patients in Sarasota County with limited or no health insurance.
Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central FloridaPPSWCF Contraceptive Access and Pregnancy Prevention Services$500,000 7/1/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo provide contraceptive access and pregnancy prevention services
Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central FloridaSexual and Reproductive Health Care and Education in SRQ County $140,000 2/4/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo support family planning and prevention services and expand the Peer Education Program for young adults.
Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central FloridaAffordable Health Care and Outreach Education Programs in Sarasota County $130,000 11/20/2020Healthcare access and qualityfor affordable healthcare and outreach education programs in Sarasota County.
Pines of Sarasota FoundationPines of Sarasota Intergenerational Program$96,000 4/21/2017Social and community well-beingTo offer professional intergenerational programming for residents of the Pines senior living facility and children who attend the organization's preschool.
Pines of Sarasota FoundationHealthcare Career Education Programs and Childcare Scholarships$255,000 11/8/2024Healthcare access and qualityTo support healthcare career education and childcare scholarships for staff at Pines of Sarasota.
Pines of Sarasota FoundationHurricane Irma - Emergency Request $202,000 9/18/2017Economic stabilityTo replace equipment and repair damages sustained during Hurricane Irma.
PEAK GrantmakingSponsorship: Organization Membership, 2023-24$2,750 1/27/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
PEAK GrantmakingSponsorship: Organization Membership, 2022-23$2,750 2/4/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
PEAK GrantmakingSponsorship: Organization Membership, 2021-22$2,750 8/19/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Partners in HealthEbola Response Efforts$100,000 11/3/2014Healthcare access and qualityTo support Ebola response efforts.
Parkinson's Disease Research SocietyGeneral Support$5,000 9/16/2014Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Parenting MattersParenting Matters in Sarasota and Manatee Counties$240,000 2/1/2019Social and community well-beingTo provide operational support and expanded its parent education programming in Sarasota County.
Parenting MattersEnsuring Generational Change through Continued Parenting Education$265,000 2/6/2025Social and community well-beingTo sustain parenting education in Manatee and Sarasota counties and build organizational capacity.
Parenting MattersYou Matter Too$400,000 8/18/2022Social and community well-beingTo allow the organization to build capacity and expand services.
Oyster River EcologyStart-Up Capacity Building $121,000 5/19/2023Neighborhood and environmentTo support organizational capacity building.
Operation Warrior ResolutionCommunity Mobilization$150,000 5/19/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo support organizational capacity building.
Operation Warrior ResolutionOWR Force Protection$150,000 2/4/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo provide innovative, holistic mental-health treatments to veterans and their families, and to assist the organization in purchasing its own facility and hiring a Chief Clinical Officer.
Operation Warrior ResolutionBridging the Gap$75,000 11/20/2020Healthcare access and qualityTo support the Bridging the Gap plan.
Operation Eco VetsGrant in Honor of Camille Van Sant$1,000 11/12/2024Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
One Stop Housing CaresSarasota Station Apartments$250,000 5/10/2024Economic stabilityTo support an affordable housing project in Sarasota.
New York University - NYU Grossman School of MedicineCMBF Initiative: Teacher Recruitment|Retention Plus - Evaluation$30,000 8/16/2022Education access and qualityTo evaluate Barancik Foundation's efforts to recruit and retain high-quality teachers.
New College FoundationSupporting High School and Transfer Students$103,341 5/12/2022Education access and qualityTo improve equity by helping area students aspire to and attain a bachelor’s degree.
New College FoundationImproving College Degree Pathways for High School and Transfer Students$73,737 5/20/2021Education access and qualityTo support a series of college essay writing workshops for students pursuing post-secondary education. Funds will also be used to attract, support, and retain transfer students.
New College FoundationBarancik Foundation Leadership Scholars $500,000 1/31/2020Education access and qualityEstablishing the Barancik Foundation Leadership Scholars program at New College Foundation to attract and retain high-achieving, low-income students from Sarasota and Manatee counties.
New College FoundationSponsorship: Visions of the Black Experience Film Festival, 2020$4,000 10/12/2020Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
New College FoundationSponsorship: The New College Challenge, 2022$10,000 10/13/2022Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
New College FoundationSponsorship: Clambake, 2022$10,000 8/10/2022Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
New College FoundationSponsorship: The O'Shea Formula$10,000 3/19/2021Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Multiple Sclerosis SocietyBarancik Prize for Innovation in MS Research$375,000 11/1/2012Healthcare access and qualityTo award the Barancik Prize for Innovation in MS Research.
National Multiple Sclerosis SocietySponsorship: Cohn Weil Memorial MS Outing, 2023$400,000 12/20/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Multiple Sclerosis SocietySponsorship: Cohn Weil Memorial MS Outing, 2022$400,000 2/4/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Multiple Sclerosis SocietyAlan Buegeleisen Mid Florida Research Fund, 2023$5,000 12/20/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Multiple Sclerosis SocietyAlan Buegeleisen Mid Florida Research Fund, 2022$5,000 2/4/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Multiple Sclerosis SocietySponsorship: Cohn Weil Memorial MS Outing, 2021$400,000 2/19/2021Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Multiple Sclerosis SocietyAlan Buegeleisen Mid Florida Research Fund, 2021$5,000 2/19/2021Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Multiple Sclerosis SocietySponsorship: Cohn Weil Memorial MS Outing, 2020$400,000 1/31/2020Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Multiple Sclerosis SocietyAlan Buegeleisen Mid Florida Research Fund, 2020$5,000 1/31/2020Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Multiple Sclerosis SocietyCohn Weil Memorial MS Outing for Research, 2025$400,000 2/6/2025Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Multiple Sclerosis SocietyCohn Weil Memorial MS Outing for research$400,000 2/9/2024Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Multiple Sclerosis SocietySponsorship: Cohn Weil Memorial MS Outing, 2019$400,000 2/1/2019Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Multiple Sclerosis SocietySponsorship: Cohn Weil Memorial MS Outing, 2018$400,000 2/2/2018Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Multiple Sclerosis SocietySponsorship: Cohn Weil Memorial MS Outing, 2017$400,000 1/27/2017Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Multiple Sclerosis SocietySponsorship: Cohn Weil Memorial MS Outing, 2016 $400,000 2/12/2016Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Multiple Sclerosis SocietyAlan Buegeleisen Mid Florida Research Fund, 2025$5,000 2/6/2025Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Multiple Sclerosis SocietyAlan Buegeleisen Mid Florida Research Fund$5,000 2/9/2024Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Multiple Sclerosis SocietySponsorship: Alan Buegeleisen Mid Florida Research Fund, 2019$5,000 2/1/2019Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Multiple Sclerosis SocietySponsorship: Alan Buegeleisen Mid Florida Research Fund, 2018$5,000 2/2/2018Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Multiple Sclerosis SocietySponsorship: Alan Buegeleisen Mid Florida MS Research Fund, 2017$5,000 11/20/2017Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Council Of Jewish WomenSponsorship: Women In Power, 2023$5,000 1/1/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Council Of Jewish WomenSponsorship: Women In Power 2022$2,500 6/25/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Center for Family PhilanthropyAnnual Support, 2021$5,000 2/19/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Center for Family PhilanthropyAnnual Support, 2020$5,000 1/31/2020Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored PeopleSponsorship: Freedom Fund Dinner, 2021$10,000 6/16/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
National Alliance on Mental Illness Sarasota and Manatee CountiesNAMI Sarasota County - Building Our Future$50,000 11/1/2019Healthcare access and qualityTo build the capacity of the organization and enhance mental health services in Sarasota County.
National Alliance on Mental Illness Sarasota and Manatee CountiesMeeting Growing Mental Health Needs in Our Community $250,000 8/9/2024Healthcare access and qualityTo support capacity building efforts.
National Alliance on Mental Illness Sarasota and Manatee CountiesTransition Needs to Improve Mental Health Support in Sarasota County$120,000 11/12/2021Healthcare access and qualityA grant for transitional support as the organizations merges and resutrcutres programs.
National Alliance on Mental Illness Sarasota and Manatee CountiesGrowing Community Mental Health Support in 2021$114,926 2/19/2021Healthcare access and qualityTo strengthen key health and human service programs that are on the front lines of navigating families through crisis.
National Alliance on Mental Illness Sarasota and Manatee CountiesHurricane Ian Relief Fund$7,500 10/18/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo provide mental health support to residents impacted by Hurricane Ian.
NAACP Empowerment ProgramsSponsorship: Freedom Fund Dinner, 2024$10,000 7/29/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
NAACP Empowerment ProgramsSponsorship: Freedom Fund Dinner, 2023$10,000 7/24/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
NAACP Empowerment ProgramsSponsorship: Freedom Fund Dinner, 2022$10,000 6/21/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
My Warriors PlaceOperation Growth Spurt$50,000 8/21/2020Healthcare access and qualityTo provide capacity building support for the organization.
Museum of Science and Industry of ChicagoMuseum of Science and Industry - Summer Learning Program$75,000 2/1/2019Education access and qualityTo support the after-school science education program and fund museum staff to travel to Sarasota to conduct train-the-trainer sessions with local youth science educators.
Museum of Science and Industry of ChicagoMuseum of Science and Industry Chicago - Science Minors Clubs Program$25,000 11/3/2017Education access and qualityTo support the Science Minors Club, which provides after-school learning opportunities to more than 12,000 elementary school students.
Museum of Science and Industry of ChicagoAnnual Support, 2023$100,000 1/27/2023Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Museum of Science and Industry of ChicagoAnnual Support, 2022$100,000 2/4/2022Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Museum of Science and Industry of ChicagoAnnual Support, 2021$200,000 2/19/2021Education access and qualityTo bring world-class STEM education to Sarasota through a train-the-trainer partnership.
Museum of Science and Industry of ChicagoSummer Learning Program and Train-the-Trainer $100,000 1/31/2020Education access and qualityTo bring world-class STEM education to Sarasota through a train-the-trainer partnership.
Museum of Science and Industry of ChicagoCOVID-19 Response$100,000 5/5/2020Education access and qualityTo provide extra support for the organization's operations due to the impact of COVID-19.
Museum of Science and Industry of ChicagoAnnual Support, 2025$100,000 2/6/2025Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Museum of Science and Industry of ChicagoAnnual Support, 2024$100,000 2/9/2024Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Museum of Science and Industry of ChicagoAnnual Support, 2019$25,000 2/1/2019Education access and qualityTo support the after-school science education program and fund museum staff to travel to Sarasota to conduct train-the-trainer sessions with local youth science educators.
Museum of Science and Industry of ChicagoAnnual Support, 2018$25,000 2/2/2018Education access and qualityTo support the Science Minors Club, which provides after-school learning opportunities to more than 12,000 elementary school students.
Mothers Helping MothersFacility Expansion Matching Grant$325,000 7/26/2019Economic stabilityTo support the organization’s facility and program expansion through purchasing the building located at 5933 North Washington Boulevard, Sarasota, FL 34243.
Mothers Helping MothersIncreasing Operational Efficiency$19,159 2/1/2019Economic stabilityTo increase the organization's operational efficiency.
Mothers Helping MothersRemoving Barriers to Success$546,220 5/12/2022Economic stabilityTo build a suite of wrap-around services at the organization’s Sarasota drop-in center.
Mothers Helping MothersSponsorship: Power of Purple, 2023$6,000 2/13/2023Economic stabilityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts
Mothers Helping MothersSponsorship: Power of Purple, 2025$1,500 2/13/2025Economic stabilityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Mote Marine LaboratoryDirectorship of the Red Tide Institute at Mote Marine Laboratory$751,487 2/1/2019Neighborhood and environmentTo fund the Directorship of the Red Tide Institute. Mote recruited Dr. Cynthia Heil, a widely respected red tide algal bloom expert, to lead the newly created institute.
Mote Marine LaboratoryRenovation of the Tropical Reserach Lab/ Coral Reef Research Facility$325,000 12/3/2015Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's world-class scientific research in Key West, Florida.
Mote Marine LaboratoryMote Marine Laboratory Coral Reef Research and Restoration$300,000 7/28/2017Neighborhood and environmentTo build a new research lab in Key West to expand the organization's coral reef and research restoration.
Mote Marine LaboratoryProject Nature Bridge$22,200 2/2/2018Neighborhood and environmentTo support Project Nature Bridge, an environmental program for youth.
Mote Marine LaboratorySponsorship: Oceanic Evening, 2023$10,000 1/27/2023Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Mote Marine LaboratorySponsorship: Party on the Pass, 2023$3,500 1/27/2023Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Mote Marine LaboratorySponsorship: Oceanic Evening, 2022$10,000 2/4/2022Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Mote Marine LaboratorySponsorship: Party on the Pass, 2022$3,500 2/4/2022Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Mote Marine LaboratorySponsorship: Oceanic Evening, 2021$10,000 2/19/2021Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Mote Marine LaboratorySponsorship: Party on the Pass, 2021$3,500 2/19/2021Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Mote Marine LaboratorySponsorship: Oceanic Evening, 2020$10,000 1/31/2020Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Mote Marine LaboratorySponsorship: Party on the Pass, 2020$3,500 1/31/2020Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Mote Marine LaboratorySponsorship: Oceanic Evening, 2015 $10,000 9/25/2015Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Mote Marine LaboratorySponsorship: Oceanic Evening, 2025$10,000 2/6/2025Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Mote Marine LaboratorySponsorship: Oceanic Evening, 2024$10,000 2/13/2024Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Mote Marine LaboratorySponsorship: Oceanic Evening, 2019$10,000 2/1/2019Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Mote Marine LaboratorySponsorship: Oceanic Evening, 2018$10,000 2/2/2018Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Mote Marine LaboratorySponsorship: Oceanic Evening, 2017$10,000 1/27/2017Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Mote Marine LaboratorySponsorship: Oceanic Evening, 2016$10,000 7/8/2016Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Mote Marine LaboratorySponsorship: Party on the Pass, 2019$3,500 2/1/2019Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Mote Marine LaboratorySponsorship: Party on the Pass, 2018$3,000 2/2/2018Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Mote Marine LaboratorySponsorship: Party on the Pass, 2017$3,000 2/13/2017Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
More Too LifeHuman Trafficking Prevention, Education and Digital Advocacy $178,521 8/6/2021Social and community well-beingTo support efforts to prevent human trafficking, advocate for survivors, and provide community education.
More Too LifeSponsorship: Inspire Change Anniversary Event, 2022$5,000 5/31/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Minorities in Shark SciencesDiversifying Ocean Sciences 2024$155,000 5/10/2024Education access and qualityTo support minority internships in Marine Sciences.
Minorities in Shark SciencesDiversifying Ocean Science$250,000 8/18/2022Education access and qualityTo promote diversity and inclusion efforts in marine science and conservation efforts.
Mental Health Community CenterAdults Managing Mental Health$75,000 11/1/2019Healthcare access and qualityTo build organizational capacity and enhance mental health services in Sarasota County.
Meals on Wheels of SarasotaCapacity Building to Expand Services$130,000 8/2/2023Economic stabilityTo support capacity building efforts to feed more home-bound residents.
Meals on Wheels of SarasotaMeal Service Program for Homebound and Vulnerable Individuals$75,000 2/4/2022Economic stabilityTo support its meal service program for homebound and vulnerable individuals.
MCR HealthCommunity Outreach$218,000 2/6/2025Healthcare access and qualityFor community outreach and education to connect more patients with quality healthcare services.
Massachusetts General HospitalBuilding a Brain Healthy Gulf Coast & Beyond: Expanding the Footprint of the Brain Health Initiative$575,000 11/1/2019Healthcare access and qualityTo complete a brain health perception survey in the region in support of the innovative, Brain Health Institute.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensPowered by the Barancik Foundation - A Sustainability Demonstration Program$2,000,000 4/27/2018Neighborhood and environmentTo power Selby Gardens’ sustainability and greening focused master plan.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensProject Nature Bridge 2.0$56,435 4/24/2019Neighborhood and environmentTo support Project Nature Bridge, an environmental program for youth.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensTemporary Relocation of Selby Gardens' Living Collection$995,000 2/6/2025Neighborhood and environmentTo relocate and care for its priceless collection of living plants during Phase Two construction of its Master Plan.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensPaddle Raise: Orchid Ball, 2023$25,000 1/27/2023Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensSponsorship: Lunch in the Gardens, 2023-24$20,000 1/27/2023Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensPaddle Raise: Orchid Ball, 2022$25,000 2/4/2022Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensSponsorship: Lunch in the Gardens, 2022-23$20,000 2/4/2022Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensPaddle Raise: Orchid Ball, 2021$25,000 2/19/2021Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensSponsorship: Lunch in the Gardens, 2021-22$20,000 2/19/2021Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensCollaboration for Success$250,000 5/1/2020Neighborhood and environment$250,000 in funding to support the accelerated transition of Historical Spanish Point under the administration of Selby Gardens due to the pandemic-induced economic fallout.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensPaddle Raise: Orchid Ball, 2020$25,000 1/31/2020Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensSponsorship: Lunch in the Gardens, 2020-21$20,000 1/31/2020Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensSponsorship: Orchid Ball, 2016$10,500 9/22/2015Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensSponsorship: Selby’s Garden to Plate Wine Dinner, 2024$3,000 2/16/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensSponsorship: Garden to Plate Wine Dinner, 2023$2,000 2/6/2023Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensSponsorship: Lights in Bloom, 2024$1,000 12/5/2024Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensSponsorship: Cocktails at the Cottage, 2023$750 10/2/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the organizations operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensSponsorship: STEMsmart Celebration Venue Appreciation Grant$500 2/1/2018Education access and qualityIn appreciation for hosting the STEMsmart Celebration.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensCMBF Initiative: Early Learning - Lights at Spooky Point, 2024$20,000 9/16/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensCMBF Initiative: Early Learning - Lights at Spooky Point, 2023$20,000 9/13/2023Education access and qualityTo recognize and celebrate the early learning educators in Sarasota County.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensCMBF Initiative: Early Learning - Lights at Spooky Point Sponsorship, 2022$20,000 9/20/2022Neighborhood and environmentSponsorship to allow early learning professionals and their families to attend event.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensProject Nature Bridge$7,430 2/2/2018Neighborhood and environmentTo support Project Nature Bridge, an environmental program for youth.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensCMBF Initiative: Early Learning - Lights at Spooky Point Sponsorship Balance, 2022$2,052 12/8/2022Neighborhood and environmentSponsorship to allow early learning professionals and their families to attend event.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensCMBF Initiative: Early Learning - Lights at Spooky Point, 2023$396 11/28/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the organizations operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensPaddle Raise: Orchid Ball, 2025$25,000 2/6/2025Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensPaddle Raise: Orchid Ball, 2024$25,000 2/9/2024Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensSponsorship: Lunch in the Gardens, 2025-26$20,000 2/6/2025Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensSponsorship: Lunch in the Gardens, 2024-25$20,000 2/9/2024Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensSponsorship: Lunch in the Gardens, 2019$20,000 2/1/2019Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensSponsorship: Lunch in the Gardens, 2018$20,000 2/2/2018Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensSponsorship: Lunch in the Gardens, 2017$20,000 1/27/2017Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensSponsorship: Lunch in the Gardens, 2016$20,000 6/8/2016Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Marie Selby Botanical GardensSponsorship: STEMsmart Celebration Venue Appreciation Grant$500 2/1/2018Neighborhood and environmentIn appreciation for hosting the STEMsmart Celebration.
Margwine OrganizationTime to Grow$95,000 10/27/2023Education access and qualityTo support capacity building.
Margwine OrganizationSupport For Members of Our Community Who Need A Voice$250 3/18/2024Education access and qualityTo support for members of our community who need a voice.
Manatee Literacy CouncilAdult Literacy Support$148,476 5/10/2024Education access and qualityTo support capacity for expanded literacy programs.
Manatee Education FoundationManatee Unites for At-risk Students and Families$150,000 11/3/2023Economic stabilityTo support student/family needs in Manatee County.
Manatee County Sheriff's OfficeCMBF Initiative: Recidivism - Reentry Navigator$192,639 9/29/2023Social and community well-beingTo support reentry navigators.
Manatee County Sheriff's OfficeCMBF Initiative: Recidivism - Inmate Assistance Fund, 2024$25,000 6/12/2024Social and community well-beingTo reduce recidivism in the 12th Judicial Circuit.
Manatee Community Foundation12th Judicial Circuit Foster Care: Sustaining Grant$240,000 10/26/2018Social and community well-beingTo continue and expand the Foster Care Initiative work in Sarasota and Manatee Counties.
Manatee Community FoundationManatee County Foster Care Initiative$125,000 4/21/2017Social and community well-beingTo pay for an Early Childhood Court Community Coordinator and for a marketing campaign to fill the gap in foster-care homes.
Manatee Community FoundationHeroin/Opioid Epidemic Plan$7,160 1/27/2017Social and community well-beingTo develop an action plan to address the foster care crisis.
Manatee Community FoundationCapacity Building Operational Support$350,000 8/9/2024Social and community well-beingTo provide operational support for the organization.
Manatee Community FoundationStrategic Foundation Support in Manatee County$150,000 2/4/2022Economic stabilityFunds will be used to support the operations of Manatee Community Foundation and Barancik Foundation work to create positive results in partnership with nonprofits and donors in Manatee County.
Manatee Community FoundationFoster Care Holiday Gift Cards$2,000 12/5/2022Social and community well-beingTo thank professionals working in the foster care system.
Manatee Community FoundationMindfulness Session for Nonprofit Partners$1,000 2/9/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Manatee Children's ServicesWelcome to Our House$320,000 11/8/2024Social and community well-beingTo complete critical safety and infrastructure upgrades at its Child Advocacy Center.
Manasota ASALHLeadership Excellence$150,000 5/10/2024Social and community well-beingTo build staff capacity within the organization.
Manasota ASALHGeneral Support, 2023$10,000 1/27/2023Education access and qualityto support educational programming
Lutheran Services FloridaComprehensive Services for Displaced Legal Residents$300,000 8/18/2022Economic stabilityTo effectively support refugees by providing comprehensive and socially integrated services that are holistic, culturally competent, collaborative, and responsive to immediate needs.
Loveland CenterBridge the Gap$300,000 11/1/2019Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's effort to reduce its waiting list and provide more individuals with disabilities access to high quality services.
Longboat Key FoundationQuick Point Preserve Restoration Site Improvements$25,000 2/9/2024Neighborhood and environmentTo support public access and environmental education at Quick Point Preserve.
Links to SuccessFamily Empowerment Center$213,000 2/6/2025Social and community well-beingTo purchase a facility to house its operations and serve as a hub for access to human services in DeSoto County.
Links to SuccessLinking to Success$400,000 5/10/2024Education access and qualityTo help families in DeSoto County access resources and educational opportunities through a family navigation program.
Links to SuccessExpanding Opportunities$155,000 5/19/2023Education access and qualityTo support organizational capacity building.
Links to SuccessClosing the Gaps for DeSoto Students$75,000 2/4/2022Education access and qualityFor efforts to support college and career readiness programs for students in DeSoto County. Funding will be used to build staff capacity and bolster community partnerships.
Links to SuccessNext Level Support$50,000 8/21/2020Education access and qualityTo build the capacity of the organization to focus on the educational success of the region's most vulnerable students.
Links to SuccessCMBF Initiative: First 1,000 Days - Unite Us Expansion and Family Navigation in DeSoto$36,000 3/19/2024Education access and qualityTo expand First 1,000 Days Suncoast in DeSoto County, including navigation support for families with young children through Unite Us.
Lighthouse Vision Loss Education CenterWhy Eye Care$132,141 5/12/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo support capacity expansion to better serve blind and visually impaired individuals.
Light of the World International Outreach MinistriesSponsorship: A. Jean Battie Luncheon$2,000 1/6/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Library Foundation for Sarasota CountyCreation Stations Powered by Barancik Foundation$947,544 7/27/2018Education access and qualityTo establish “creation stations” at eight libraries, provide a capping grant on an outreach endowment, and support creation station personnel costs.
Library Foundation for Sarasota CountyChildren's Literacy Endowment Capping Grant$50,000 10/21/2016Education access and qualityTo support Sarasota County’s Literacy Endowment Campaign to raise the necessary funds to ensure the neediest children in our community are exposed to reading at an early age.
Library Foundation for Sarasota CountySponsorship: General support$5,000 4/27/2016Education access and qualityTo support the Library Foundation’s work to ensure Sarasota County’s libraries remain innovative, leading-edge centers of learning and civic engagement.
Library Foundation for Sarasota CountyPaddle Raise: Author Luncheon, 2024$10,000 8/4/2023Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Library Foundation for Sarasota CountySponsorship: Author Luncheon, 2024$6,500 8/4/2023Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Library Foundation for Sarasota CountyPaddle Raise: Author Luncheon, 2023$10,000 8/18/2022Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Library Foundation for Sarasota CountyPaddle Raise: Author Luncheon, 2022$10,000 2/4/2022Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Library Foundation for Sarasota CountySponsorship: Author Luncheon, 2023$6,500 8/18/2022Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Library Foundation for Sarasota CountyPaddle Raise: Author Luncheon, 2021$10,000 2/19/2021Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Library Foundation for Sarasota CountySponsorship: Author Luncheon, 2022$6,500 8/6/2021Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Library Foundation for Sarasota CountyPaddle Raise: Author Luncheon, 2020$10,000 1/31/2020Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Library Foundation for Sarasota CountySponsorship: Author Luncheon, 2021$6,000 8/21/2020Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Library Foundation for Sarasota CountyPaddle Raise: Author Luncheon, 2025$10,000 8/12/2024Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Library Foundation for Sarasota CountySponsorship: Author Luncheon, 2025$7,500 8/12/2024Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Library Foundation for Sarasota CountySponsorship: Author Luncheon, 2020$6,000 7/26/2019Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Library Foundation for Sarasota CountySponsorship: Author Luncheon, 2019$6,000 7/27/2018Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Library Foundation for Sarasota CountySponsorship: Author Luncheon, 2018$6,000 7/28/2017Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Library Foundation for Sarasota CountySponsorship: Author Luncheon, 2017$5,000 8/5/2016Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Legal Aid of ManasotaLegal Lifeline for Youth in Foster Care and Aging-Out$539,340 2/1/2019Social and community well-beingTo fund the Legal Lifeline pilot program to assist youth in foster care as they navigate the legal system.
Legal Aid of ManasotaHurricane Ian: Legal Services for Disaster Recovery$43,750 11/22/2022Economic stabilityTo provide legal services to residents impacted by Hurricane Ian
Learning Independence For TomorrowLiFT Assist$118,973 8/21/2020Education access and qualityTo support efforts in helping students with neuro-diversities reach their full potential.
Learn My History FoundationSponsorship: Inaugural Banquet Fundraiser, 2021$2,500 11/9/2021Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Laurel Civic AssociationOrganizational Capacity Building for Laurel Civic$50,000 8/21/2020Education access and qualityTo invest in the leadership and capacity of the organization to build the equity of the community they serve.
Laurel Civic Association50-50-50 Challenge Grant Campaign$5,000 10/16/2019Education access and qualityTo provide a $5,000 matching grant opportunity for organization.
Laurel Civic AssociationProject Nature Bridge$1,200 2/2/2018Education access and qualityTo support Project Nature Bridge, an environmental program for youth.
Kim's KrewEmergency Stabilization Program$50,000 1/27/2023Economic stabilityTo build capacity at organization including facility upgrades.
Kim's Krew2022 Year End Support$10,000 10/18/2022Economic stabilityTo deliver food and basic necessities to home-bound residents in Manatee County.
Junior Achievement of Tampa BayJA – Life & Career Ready$50,000 4/28/2016Social and community well-beingTo support the Junior Achievement Sarasota/Manatee District Office.
JoshProvides Epilepsy Assistance FoundationSeizure Detection & Monitoring Resources for Children and Young Adults with Epilepsy $9,800 2/2/2018Healthcare access and qualityTo pay for seizure detection and monitoring devices, including therapy dogs, in-home cameras and wrist watches.
Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital FoundationImpacting Care for Children:Enhancing Advocacy and Community Partnerships $235,698 4/24/2019Healthcare access and qualityTo provide start-up funding for a social worker to mentor families and connect them to non-medical supports.
Jewish United FundAnnual support, 2023$25,000 12/20/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Jewish United FundAnnual Support, 2022$25,000 2/4/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Jewish United FundAnnual Support, 2021$25,000 2/19/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s mission to provide basic human services to Jews and others in need, create Jewish experiences, and strengthen Jewish community connections.
Jewish United FundAnnual Support, 2020$50,000 1/31/2020Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s mission to provide basic human services to Jews and others in need, create Jewish experiences, and strengthen Jewish community connections.
Jewish United FundAnnual Support, 2019$50,000 2/1/2019Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s mission to provide basic human services to Jews and others in need, create Jewish experiences, and strength Jewish community connections.
Jewish United FundAnnual Support, 2018$50,000 2/2/2018Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s mission to provide basic human services to Jews and others in need, create Jewish experiences, and strength Jewish community connections.
Jewish United FundAnnual support, 2017$50,000 1/27/2017Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s mission to provide basic human services to Jews and others in need, create Jewish experiences, and strength Jewish community connections.
Jewish United FundAnnual support, 2016$50,000 7/8/2016Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s mission to provide basic human services to Jews and others in need, create Jewish experiences, and strength Jewish community connections.
Jewish United FundGeneral Support$50,000 12/3/2015Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s mission to provide basic human services to Jews and others in need, create Jewish experiences, and strength Jewish community connections.
Jewish United FundAnnual Support, 2025$25,000 2/6/2025Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Jewish United FundAnnual Support, 2024$25,000 2/9/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Jewish Family & Children's Service of the SuncoastUnrestricted Grant Application$500,000 10/26/2018Healthcare access and qualityAn unrestricted grant to support the organization's mission of empowering individuals and families toward self-sufficiency.
Jewish Family & Children's Service of the SuncoastEmbracing Our Community With Care$330,000 11/3/2017Healthcare access and qualityTo fund a variety of essential social-service programs for community members of all ages.
Jewish Family & Children's Service of the SuncoastTargeted Youth & Family Case Management, Counseling & Supportive Services$300,000 10/21/2016Healthcare access and qualityTo provide intensive trauma counseling for youth who need help with serious life challenges.
Jewish Family & Children's Service of the SuncoastHealthy Families/ Healthy Fathers Initiative$250,000 11/13/2015Social and community well-beingTo support the Healthy Fathers/Healthy Families program that helps dads become more effective parents, better communicators, financial managers, and employees.
Jewish Family & Children's Service of the SuncoastFunding for Various Programs$245,000 11/13/2015Social and community well-beingTo support programming in Sarasota and Manatee for children and families.
Jewish Family & Children's Service of the SuncoastAdolescent Diversion & Family Support Program$563,744 2/9/2024Healthcare access and qualityTo increase access to mental health services for youth.
Jewish Family & Children's Service of the SuncoastCorporate Sponsorship, 2023-24$30,000 1/27/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Jewish Family & Children's Service of the SuncoastCorporate Sponsorship, 2022-23$30,000 2/4/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Jewish Family & Children's Service of the SuncoastCorporate Sponsorship, 2021-22$30,000 2/19/2021Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Jewish Family & Children's Service of the SuncoastChanging Lives Forever through Mental Health and Human Services$300,000 1/31/2020Healthcare access and qualityTo support mental health and human services programming.
Jewish Family & Children's Service of the SuncoastCorporate Sponsorship, 2020-21$30,000 1/31/2020Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Jewish Family & Children's Service of the SuncoastSponsorship: Celebrity Chef's Food and Wine Tasting, 2016$1,000 1/6/2016Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Jewish Family & Children's Service of the SuncoastCMBF Initiative: First 1,000 Days - Unite Us Technology and Incentive Grant, Onboarding Programs$25,480 1/9/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo support Jewish Family & Children’s Service of the Suncoast's implementation of Unite Us throughout their programs.
Jewish Family & Children's Service of the SuncoastAnnual Support, 2014$200,000 6/29/2014Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Jewish Family & Children's Service of the SuncoastCorporate Sponsorship, 2025-26$30,000 2/6/2025Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Jewish Family & Children's Service of the SuncoastCorporate Sponsorship, 2024-25$30,000 2/9/2024Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Jewish Family & Children's Service of the SuncoastSponsorship: Corporate Sponsorship, 2019-20$30,000 2/1/2019Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Jewish Family & Children's Service of the SuncoastSponsorship: Corporate Sponsorship: 2018-19$30,000 2/2/2018Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Jewish Family & Children's Service of the SuncoastSponsorship: Corporate Sponsorship, 2017-18$30,000 1/27/2017Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Jewish Family & Children's Service of the SuncoastSponsorship: Puttin' on the Ritz Gala, 2016$30,000 9/27/2016Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Jewish Family & Children's Service of the SuncoastSponsorship: Puttin' on the Ritz Gala, 2014$30,000 6/29/2014Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Jewish Family & Children's Service of the SuncoastSponsorship: Puttin' on the Ritz Gala, 2015$30,000 6/26/2015Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Jacksonville Public Education FundSponsorship: 2020 Impact Florida Education Summit$3,000 2/21/2020Education access and qualityTo empower education leaders across the state of Florida.
J5 ExperienceExperience The Future$75,000 5/19/2023Education access and qualityTo support organizational capacity building.
J5 ExperienceInspire, Advocate, and Educate $25,000 5/20/2021Education access and qualityTo advocate for, inspire, and support single mothers and their daughters in the community.
Impact FloridaEffective Professional Learning for ELA Implementation Cadre$200,000 2/19/2021Education access and qualityFor Effective Professional Learning for ELA Implementation Cadre.
Impact FloridaSponsorship: Impact Florida Summit, 2022$2,500 2/9/2022Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Hershorin Schiff Community Day SchoolBeyond Scholarships$150,000 11/20/2020Education access and qualityTo support the Beyond Scholarships program.
Hermitage Artist RetreatProtecting Freedom of Artistic Expression: The Impact of Authentic Community Engagement$400,000 5/19/2023Social and community well-beingTo support organizational capacity building.
Hermitage Artist RetreatExpanding Capacity to Enhance Community Impact & Education Initiatives$300,000 5/12/2022Social and community well-beingTo help the organization grow its capacity to deliver programming focused on community impact, education, and social justice.
Hermitage Artist RetreatArtist Impact SRQ$150,000 5/20/2021Social and community well-beingTo build on and promote past success, allow more diverse artists to come to Sarasota, and expand opportunities for connections with the community.
Hermitage Artist RetreatSponsorship: 20th Anniversary Concert, 2023$10,000 1/17/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Help To HomeHope Village of Manatee$350,000 5/19/2023Economic stabilityTo support the Hope Village project in Manatee County.
Healthy TeensTeen Health Educator Program SRQ Expansion$225,000 5/19/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo support current operations and Sarasota expansion.
Healthy Start Coalition of Sarasota CountyDr. Washington Clark Hill Endowment Fund$200,000 4/24/2019Healthcare access and qualityTo establish the Dr. Washington Clark Hill Endowment Fund to support the organization in perpetuity.
Healthy Start Coalition of Sarasota CountyPrenatal and Postpartum Support and Education for Spanish-speaking women in Sarasota County - "Por ti y para tu bebe"$140,000 8/18/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo support prenatal and postpartum support and education for Spanish-speaking women in Sarasota County.
Healthy Start Coalition of Sarasota CountyMaintaining Care Coordination for Mothers and Babies$30,000 5/1/2020Healthcare access and qualityTo maintain the organization’s efforts in coordinating and conducting virtual visitations for low-income mothers and their newborns.
Healthy Start Coalition of Sarasota CountyReducing Pain at the Pump Pilot Program, 2022$10,000 4/11/2022Economic stabilityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Healthy Start Coalition of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Together We Bloom, 2024$2,500 11/19/2024Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Healthy Start Coalition of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Healthy Start Luncheon, 2018$2,500 3/28/2018Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Healthy Start Coalition of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Breakfast of Champions, 2018$1,000 9/26/2018Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Harvest HouseTransformational Services$300,000 7/26/2019Economic stabilityTo support the organization’s mission and programs.
Harvest HouseTransformational Services for Families and Youth$240,000 7/27/2018Economic stabilityTo support the organization’s mission to champion hope and transform lives by revitalizing neighborhoods and providing service-enriched housing programs.
Harvest HouseTransformation for Children and Families$210,000 1/27/2017Economic stabilityTo support the organization’s mission to champion hope and transform lives by revitalizing neighborhoods and providing service-enriched housing programs.
Harvest HouseLeadership Capacity Building$228,790 5/10/2024Economic stabilityTo support capacity building for the supportive housing provider.
Harvest HouseLiving Beyond Fear$600,000 10/27/2023Economic stabilityTo support capacity building.
Harvest HousePaddle Raise: Home Again Luncheon, 2023$25,000 1/27/2023Economic stabilityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Harvest HousePeople and Places: Investing in Foundational Growth$800,000 8/18/2022Economic stabilityTo support the organization as it expands its facilities and service offerings.
Harvest HousePaddle Raise: Home Again Luncheon, 2022$25,000 2/4/2022Economic stabilityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Harvest HousePurpose Works Workforce Initiative$300,000 8/6/2021Economic stabilityFor its Purpose Works Workforce Initiative to help those ready to reenter the workforce.
Harvest HousePaddle Raise: Home Again Luncheon, 2021$25,000 2/19/2021Economic stabilityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Harvest HouseCrisis Response Funding$200,000 5/1/2020Economic stabilityTo provide homeless families, veterans, and unaccompanied youth with service-enriched housing and financial assistance.
Harvest HousePaddle Raise: Home Again Luncheon, 2020$25,000 1/31/2020Economic stabilityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Harvest HouseSponsorship: American Soldier Solo Show, 2018$5,000 9/21/2018Economic stabilityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Harvest HouseCMBF Initiative: First 1,000 Days - April 6 Unite Us Meeting$700 4/4/2023Economic stabilityTo support expanded use of Unite Us in region.
Harvest HousePaddle Raise: Home Again Luncheon, 2025$25,000 2/6/2025Economic stabilityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Harvest HousePaddle Raise: Home Again Luncheon, 2024$25,000 2/9/2024Economic stabilityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Gulfcoast Legal ServicesHurricane Ian: Representing Our Community$32,100 11/22/2022Economic stabilityto provide legal services to residents impacted by Hurricane Ian.
Gulfcoast Legal ServicesAccess to Justice Sarasota$338,480 2/19/2021Economic stabilityFor the Access to Justice Sarasota program to provide free, comprehensive civil legal aid to vulnerable populations.
Gulf Coast Sports Group"A Lions Reach" Youth Mentoring Counselor/Ambassador Program $60,000 5/12/2022Education access and qualityTo support the "A Lions Reach" Youth Mentoring Counselor/Ambassador Program.
Gulf Coast Medical SocietySponsorship: First Annual Holiday Brunch$1,500 11/6/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo support the First Annual Holiday Brunch at Michael’s on the Bay Ballroom Selby Gardens
Gulf Coast Community FoundationEndowment Fund for Barancik Prize for Innovation in MS Research$3,000,000 11/13/2015Healthcare access and qualityTo endow the annual Barancik Prize for Innovation in MS Research.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationSmoothing Fund, 2024$2,500,000 5/10/2024N/AGrant to establish a Smoothing Fund at GCCF.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationSuncoast Rapid Rehousing Program$100,000 2/1/2019Economic stabilityTo support the St. Vincent DePaul Suncoast Rapid Rehousing Program, which quickly connects chronically homeless adults to permanent housing, case management and financial assistance.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationGCCF Initiative: Unaccompanied Homeless Youth$100,000 7/27/2018Economic stabilityTo support the coordination of specialized services to meet the unique needs of the estimated 400 to 600 unaccompanied homeless youth in Sarasota County.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationRapid Rehousing - a Solution for Adult and Unaccompanied Youth Homelessness$100,000 2/2/2018Economic stabilityTo address adult homelessness by offering rapid rehousing and wrap-around support to individuals.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationSheriff's Charitable Fund$25,000 7/28/2017Social and community well-beingTo support the Sheriff’s Charitable Fund, which will enable the Sheriff’s Office to provide small grants for grassroots efforts that improve neighborhood safety and conditions.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationSheriff's Charitable Fund$25,000 7/8/2016Social and community well-beingTo support grassroots community-building efforts that make Sarasota County’s neighborhoods stronger and safer.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationLocal College Access Network Matching Grant$25,000 1/27/2017Education access and qualityTo support the Local College Access Network whose goal is to improve student access and attainment of college degrees or higher-education certificates.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationSheriff Hoffman's Charitable Fund, 2022$25,000 8/19/2022Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationCMBF Initiative: Emergency Responder Initiative, 2021$274,850 8/6/2021Neighborhood and environmentTo support Longboat Key Police Department's three-year improvement plan.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationCMBF Initiative: Health Equity Initiative, 2021$150,000 5/20/2021Healthcare access and qualityFunding to begin Health Equity Initiative.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationJoint Initiative: COVID-19 Response Initiative, 2020$500,000 3/20/2020Healthcare access and qualityTo support nonprofit capacity to respond to pressing economic, social, and emotional needs caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationJoint Initiative: COVID-19 Response Initiative, 2020$400,000 8/21/2020Healthcare access and qualityTo support nonprofit capacity to respond to pressing economic, social and emotional needs in the community caused from the virus.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationSuncoast Rapid Rehousing Program$350,000 1/31/2020Economic stabilityTo support the Suncoast Rapid Rehousing Program with St. Vincent de Paul, which quickly connects chronically homeless adults to permanent housing, case management and financial assistance.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationCMBF Initiative: Early Learning, 2020$100,000 11/20/2020Education access and qualityTo establish an Early Learning Initiative Project Fund at Gulf Coast Community Foundation.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationCommunity News Collaborative in Honor of Gerry Lublin$10,000 2/5/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts in honor of Gerry Lublin.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationSteve Seidensticker Memorial Fund for Miss Susie's$10,000 8/16/2018Social and community well-beingA gift to the Steve Seidensticker Memorial Fund for Miss Susie's Restaurant.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationFACE-ing Mental Illness: The Art of Acceptance Project Fund$10,000 9/6/2016Healthcare access and qualityTo support the Art of Acceptance program, uniting the arts and behavioral health communities of Sarasota.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationPost Hurricane Irma Community Collaboration Work $8,212 3/21/2018Economic stabilityTo subsidize the cost of a consulting services for an After Action Report detailing the nonprofit sector's disaster preparedness and recovery efforts surrounding Hurricane Irma.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationHurricane Human Relief Fund, 2024$50,000 10/15/2024Economic stabilityTo meet immediate basic human needs following Hurricane Milton.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationHurricane Human Relief Fund, 2024$50,000 10/15/2024Economic stabilityTo provide food and beverage workers immediate bridge funding following Hurricane Helene.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationCMBF Initiative: Mental Health, 2020$500,000 1/31/2020Healthcare access and qualityTo address top recommendations from the mental health workgroups in Sarasota County.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationCMBF Initiative: Mental Health Environmental Scan, 2018$350,000 10/26/2018Healthcare access and qualityTo establish a project fund at Gulf Coast Community Foundation to address mental health issues in Sarasota County.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationCMBF Initiative: Health Equity - Medicaid Expansion$250,000 2/9/2024Healthcare access and qualityTo support broader access to healthcare for individuals who are uninsured.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationCMBF Initiative: First 1,000 Days Sarasota County, 2018$200,000 7/27/2018Education access and qualityTo support the First 1,000 Days Project Fund to provide better access to the prenatal, newborn, and early childhood development care that gives babies and families a crucial opportunity to thrive.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationCMBF Initiative: Emergency Responder Initiative, 2020$100,000 5/1/2020Healthcare access and qualityTo establish the Barancik Emergency Responder Initiative Project Fund at Gulf Coast Community Foundation.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationGCCF Initiative: Financial Sustainability Expansion at The Salvation Army, Sarasota$94,600 1/27/2017Economic stabilityTo expand the Financial Sustainability Initiative at The Salvation Army and help more families emerging from poverty to become self-sufficient.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationFunder's Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities$75,000 4/27/2018Neighborhood and environmentMatching grant to support Partners for Places, a project to create financial savings for area nonprofits through energy and water efficiency improvements.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationCMBF Initiative: First 1,000 Days Sarasota County, 2018$65,000 2/2/2018Education access and qualityTo seed the First 1,000 Days Project Fund to provide better access to the prenatal, newborn, and early childhood development care that gives babies and families a crucial opportunity to thrive.
Town of Longboat KeyCMBF Initiative: Emergency Responder - Longboat Key Law Enforcement Driving Simulator$60,000 11/8/2024Neighborhood and environmentTo enable the Longboat Key Police Department to acquire a driving simulator for emergency vehicle operations and defensive driver training.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationJoint Initiative: Partners for Green Places, 2019$50,000 11/1/2019Neighborhood and environmentTo support independent evaluation of the energy and water efficiency initiative, Partners for Green Places.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationCMBF Initiative: Affordable Housing - United Way Housing Navigator$36,500 10/15/2024Economic stabilityTo support a housing navigator at United Way of South Sarasota County following recent hurricanes.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationSheriff Hoffman’s Charitable Fund, 2025$25,000 2/6/2025Social and community well-beingTo support the Sheriff's Charitable Fund, which will enable the Sheriff's Office to provide small grants for grassroots efforts that improve neighborhood safety and conditions.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationSheriff Hoffman's Charitable Fund, 2024$25,000 2/9/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the Sheriff's Charitable Fund, which will enable the Sheriff's Office to provide small grants for grassroots efforts that improve neighborhood safety and conditions.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationSheriff Hoffman's Charitable Fund, 2022$25,000 8/19/2022Social and community well-beingTo support grassroots community-building efforts that make Sarasota County's neighborhoods stronger and safer.
Gulf Coast Community FoundationSheriff Hoffman's Charitable Fund$25,000 2/19/2021Social and community well-beingTo support grassroots community-building efforts that make Sarasota County’s neighborhoods stronger and safer.
Greater Houston Community FoundationHurricane Harvey Relief Fund$100,000 9/5/2017Economic stabilityTo support the Hurricane Harvey relief and recovery efforts of the Greater Houston Community Foundation.
Grantmakers for Effective OrganizationsAnnual Membership (Dec 2023-Nov 2024)$8,500 11/30/2023Social and community well-beingTo support and join the membership group Grantmakers for Effective Organizations.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountyBarancik Foundation Solar and Conservation Initiative Pilot in partnership with Girls Inc. $444,890 11/3/2017Neighborhood and environmentTo test the concept of outfitting a youth-serving nonprofit agency with solar panels while also delivering conservation education to the organization.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountyBuilding a Network of Strength and Resiliency for Girls and Families$275,000 7/26/2019Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s efforts to build a network of strength and resiliency for girls and families.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountyFamily Strengthening Program$225,000 7/8/2016Education access and qualityTo fund the Family Strengthening Program, which provides counseling services for the girls the organization serves, and their families.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountyAnnual Match Campaign, 2018$50,000 4/27/2018Education access and qualityFor the 2018 Annual August Match Campaign, which provides scholarship funds for at-risk girls to participate in the organization’s educational and character-building programs.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountyAnnual Match Campaign, 2017$50,000 7/28/2017Education access and qualityFor the 2017 Annual August Match Campaign, which provides scholarship funds for at-risk girls to participate in the organization’s educational and character-building programs.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountyAnnual Match Campaign, 2016$50,000 7/8/2016Education access and qualityFor the 2016 Annual August Match Campaign, which provides scholarship funds for at-risk girls to participate in the organization’s educational and character-building programs.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountyAnnual Match Campaign, 2023$50,000 1/27/2023Education access and qualityFor the 2023 Annual August Match Campaign, which provides scholarship funds for at-risk girls to participate in the organization's educational and character-building programs.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountyPaddle Raise: Celebration Luncheon, 2023$25,000 1/27/2023Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Annual Celebration Luncheon, 2024$6,000 8/4/2023Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountyBuilding a Network of Strength and Resiliency for Girls and Families$610,630 8/18/2022Education access and qualityTo support the Family Strengthening Program interventions.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountyAnnual Match Campaign, 2022$50,000 2/4/2022Education access and qualityFor the 2022 Annual August Match Campaign, which provides scholarship funds for at-risk girls to participate in the organization’s educational and character-building programs.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountyPaddle Raise: Celebration Luncheon, 2022$25,000 2/4/2022Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Celebration Luncheon, 2023$6,000 8/18/2022Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountyAnnual Match Campaign, 2021$50,000 2/19/2021Education access and qualityFor the 2021 Annual August Match Campaign, which provides scholarship funds for at-risk girls to participate in the organization's educational and character-building programs.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountyPaddle Raise: Celebration Luncheon, 2021$25,000 2/19/2021Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Celebration Luncheon, 2022$5,500 8/6/2021Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountyKeeping Girls Inc. Strong, Smart and Bold during COVID-19$100,000 5/1/2020Education access and qualityTo remain operationally resilient as families turn to the organization for extra support due to unemployment and related hardships.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountyAnnual Match Campaign, 2020$50,000 1/31/2020Education access and qualityFor the 2020 Annual August Match Campaign, which provides scholarship funds for at-risk girls to participate in the organization's educational and character-building programs.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountyPaddle Raise: Celebration Luncheon, 2020$25,000 1/31/2020Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Celebration Luncheon, 2021$5,500 8/21/2020Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Celebration Luncheon, 2022$500 2/17/2022Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountySolar and Conservation Initiative Pilot Completion$130,000 10/26/2018Neighborhood and environmentTo upgrade the electrical system at the organization to ensure that the previously funded solar panels deliver maximum energy savings to the nonprofit.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountyProject Nature Bridge$1,200 2/2/2018Education access and qualityTo support Project Nature Bridge, an environmental program for youth.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountyAnnual Match Campaign, 2025$50,000 2/6/2025Education access and qualityFor the Annual August Match Campaign, which provides scholarship funds for at-risk girls to participate in the organization's educational and character-building programs.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountyAnnual Match Campaign, 2024$50,000 2/9/2024Education access and qualityFor the 2024 Annual August Match Campaign, which provides scholarship funds for at-risk girls to participate in the organization's educational and character-building programs.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountyAnnual Match Campaign, 2019$50,000 2/1/2019Education access and qualityFor the 2019 Annual August Match Campaign, which provides scholarship funds for at-risk girls to participate in the organization’s educational and character-building programs.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountyPaddle Raise: Celebration Luncheon, 2025$25,000 2/6/2025Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountyPaddle Raise: Celebration Luncheon, 2024$25,000 2/9/2024Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Annual Celebration Luncheon, 2025$6,000 8/12/2024Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Celebration Luncheon, 2020$5,500 7/26/2019Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Celebration Luncheon, 2019$5,500 7/27/2018Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Celebration Luncheon, 2018$5,500 7/28/2017Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Celebration Luncheon, 2017$5,500 9/27/2016Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Girls Incorporated of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Celebration Luncheon, 2016$5,500 2/3/2016Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Girl Scouts Of Gulfcoast FloridaSponsorship: Denim and Pearls, 2019$750 6/24/2019Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Gamma Xi Boule FoundationSponsorship: Valentine at the Ritz, 2024$5,000 6/1/2023Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
FUNducationEarly STEAM$150,000 11/3/2023Education access and qualityTo support capacity building.
FUNducationFull STEAM Ahead$120,000 2/4/2022Education access and qualityTo expand their work and expose more students of color to what’s possible in science, engineering, the arts, and math.
FSU/Asolo Conservatory for Actor TrainingShakespeare in the Gardens: A Three-year Partnership$60,000 11/3/2017Social and community well-beingTo support Shakespeare in the Gardens, the Conservatory’s joint outdoor theater production with Marie Selby Botanical Gardens.
FSU/Asolo Conservatory for Actor TrainingShakespeare in the Gardens: Shakespeare's A Midsummer's Night Dream at Selby Gardens$10,000 7/8/2016Social and community well-beingTo support Shakespeare in the Gardens, the Conservatory’s joint outdoor theater production of A Midsummer's Night Dream, in partnership with Marie Selby Botanical Gardens.
FSU/Asolo Conservatory for Actor TrainingProducing Sustainable Elizabethan Set for Shakespearian Productions$50,000 2/9/2024Social and community well-beingBuilding a reusable Shakespearean set.
FSU/Asolo Conservatory for Actor TrainingShakespeare in the Gardens at The Ringling$20,000 1/27/2023Social and community well-beingTo support outdoor Shakespeare performance at The Ringling.
Friends of the Myakka RiverSharing Myakka’s Magic$150,000 5/19/2023Neighborhood and environmentSupporting full-time executive director.
Friends of Sarasota County ParksEducational Outreach Gardens: Demonstrating and Educating on Sustainable Horticultural Practices $150,000 8/18/2022Neighborhood and environmentTo support the Educational Outreach Gardens at Twin Lakes Park in Sarasota. These gardens focus on educating people about nine principles of Florida-Friendly Landscaping that protect our ecosystem.
Foundation Financial Officers GroupAnnual Membership, 2025$2,000 2/11/2025Economic stabilityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Forty Carrots Family CenterOpportunity Grant for new programs, staffing and enhancements as needed to fill community needs$300,000 2/1/2019Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s mission and expand its parent education, mental health and early childhood education programs.
Forty Carrots Family CenterClinical Supervisor to Support Expansion of Forty Carrots' Child & Family Therapy Program$196,200 10/21/2016Education access and qualityTo hire a Clinical Supervisor responsible for the expansion of Forty Carrots’ Children and Family Therapy Program.
Forty Carrots Family CenterGood Beginnings Program at Tuttle Elementary School$90,866 7/28/2017Education access and qualityTo provide mental health counseling for three years at Tuttle Elementary School, a Title I school in Sarasota.
Forty Carrots Family CenterCapacity Building$1,000,000 5/10/2024Education access and qualityTo strengthen families through parenting education and mental health support.
Forty Carrots Family CenterGenerations of Change Campaign$1,000,000 2/4/2022Education access and qualityTo support increased access to child therapy and parent education services.
Forty Carrots Family CenterCommunity Need Grant: Mental Health, Parenting Education, Early Childhood Education$300,000 8/21/2020Education access and qualityTo address community needs in mental health, parenting education, and early childhood education.
Forty Carrots Family CenterSponsorship: Firefly Gala, 2019$5,250 2/7/2019Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida West Coast Public BroadcastingWEDU PBS - Multimedia Programming to Address Important Community Issues$250,000 5/12/2022Education access and qualityTo boost local programming that focuses on diversity, equity, community wellness, attainable housing, and civil rights.
Florida West Coast Public BroadcastingWEDU PBS At-Home Learning$100,000 5/20/2021Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s publicly broadcasted at-home learning programming for children, parents, and teachers
Florida West Coast Public BroadcastingWEDU PBS At-Home Learning$200,000 5/1/2020Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s publicly broadcasted at-home learning programming for children, parents, and teachers
Florida Studio TheatreFlorida Studio Theatre School$100,000 11/1/2019Social and community well-beingTo help children discover new abilities and creativity through the theater.
Florida State University Research FoundationBuilding a Well-Trained Clinical Workforce in the 12th Judicial Circuit: FSU Learning Collaborative$303,843 2/1/2019Social and community well-beingTo provide trauma-informed care training for up to 30 local infant mental health experts.
Florida State University FoundationScience Students Together Reaching Instructional Diversity & Excellence (SSTRIDE) in Sarasota$498,380 4/21/2017Education access and qualityTo support the expansion of Science Students Together Reaching Instructional Diversity and Excellence (SSTRIDE) into McIntosh Middle School and Sarasota High School.
Florida State University FoundationThe Ringling W.E.B. — Where Everyone Belongs: Families Learning Together$175,000 10/21/2016Social and community well-beingTo provide free family memberships through partnerships with non-profit community organizations and equip parents to engage in conversations and exploration with their children around works of art.
Florida State University FoundationPre-Med Mentoring & Academic Enrichment Program in Sarasota County$200,000 2/19/2021Education access and qualityTo support the Pre-Med Mentoring and Academic Enrichment Program in Sarasota County.
Florida State University FoundationSponsorship: First 1,000 Days Florida 2021 & 2022 Summits$10,000 6/12/2021Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida Policy InstituteStart-up Funding$251,641 12/3/2015Economic stabilityTo create staff capacity to analyze the State of Florida’s budget and make policy recommendations that represent the needs and interests of low-income residents.
Florida Policy InstitutePublic Policy and Fiscal Research in Education and Mental Health$100,000 11/1/2019Economic stabilityTo support the the research of fiscal and legislative policies impacting public education and mental health.
Florida Policy InstituteDeveloping Local & Statewide Solutions for Florida's Affordable Housing Crisis$230,000 8/2/2023Economic stabilityTo support a position focused on housing.
Florida Policy InstituteProviding Policy Research to Promote Shared Prosperity in Florida $175,000 1/27/2023Economic stabilityTo provide general operating support.
Florida Policy InstituteCMBF Initiative: Affordable Housing - Policy Analyst Position$175,000 3/25/2022Economic stabilityTo help explore local and state policies and practices that will increase availability of workforce housing.
Florida Policy InstituteProviding Policy Research to Promote Shared Prosperity in Florida $150,000 11/12/2021Economic stabilityUnrestricted funding to allow the organization to advance their mission and work.
Florida Policy InstitutePublic Policy Research in Early Learning, Education, Health and Social Safety Net $150,000 11/20/2020Economic stabilityFor public policy research in early learning, education, health and social safety net.
Florida Policy InstituteSponsorship: 10th Anniversary & Summit, 2024$10,000 6/20/2024Economic stabilityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida Philanthropic NetworkAnnual Membership, 2024$8,000 8/4/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida Philanthropic NetworkAnnual Membership, 2023$8,000 8/18/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida Philanthropic NetworkAnnual Membership, 2022$8,000 8/6/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida Philanthropic NetworkAnnual Membership, 2021$8,000 8/21/2020Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida Philanthropic NetworkSponsorship: FPN Summit, 2020$10,000 4/12/2019Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida Philanthropic NetworkSponsorship: FPN Summit, 2025$8,000 11/5/2024Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida Philanthropic NetworkSponsorship: FPN Summit, 2024$8,000 11/7/2023Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida Philanthropic NetworkSponsorship: FPN Summit, 2023$8,000 10/26/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida Philanthropic NetworkSponsorship: Florida Education Funders Group, 2023$5,000 8/10/2023Education access and qualityTo advance education access and quality through the Florida Philanthropic Network Education Funder's Group.
Florida Philanthropic NetworkSponsorship: FPN Summit, 2019$5,000 7/11/2018Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida Philanthropic NetworkSponsorship: FPN Summit, 2018$5,000 8/30/2017Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida Philanthropic NetworkCEO Transition Fund$5,000 8/23/2016Social and community well-beingFor the CEO Transition Fund to support the growth of the organization under its new leadership.
Florida Philanthropic NetworkSponsorship: Education Affinity Group Sponsorship, 2022$5,000 2/4/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida Philanthropic NetworkSponsorship: FPN Summit, 2022$5,000 10/13/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida Philanthropic NetworkSponsorship: FPN Summit, 2021$5,000 1/4/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida Philanthropic NetworkAnnual Membership, 2016 & 2017$12,000 7/8/2016Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida Philanthropic NetworkAnnual Membership, 2025$8,000 8/12/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida Philanthropic NetworkAnnual Membership, 2020$8,000 7/26/2019Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida Philanthropic NetworkAnnual Membership, 2019$8,000 2/1/2019Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida Philanthropic NetworkAnnual Membership, 2018$8,000 2/2/2018Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida Philanthropic NetworkAnnual Membership, 2015$8,000 6/26/2015Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida Institute of Saltwater HeritageThe FISH Preserve Enhanced Public Access Project$165,000 2/9/2024Neighborhood and environmentTo support public access and environmental education at the FISH Preserve.
Florida Humanities CouncilExpanded Programming$125,000 8/9/2024Social and community well-beingTo expand programming in 12th Judicial Circuit.
Florida Housing CoalitionCMBF Initiative: Affordable Housing - 2024 Housing Study$22,500 8/29/2024Economic stabilityTo support a study to determine the affordable housing needs of Sarasota County for the next 30 years.
Florida Gulf Coast University FoundationCMBF Initiative: Teacher Recruitment|Retention - Emerging Educator Scholarships$25,000 9/12/2023Education access and qualityTo provide scholarships for FGCU students who will teach in Sarasota County Schools.
Florida Gulf Coast University FoundationCMBF Initiative: Teacher Recruitment|Retention - Emerging Educator Scholarships$25,000 8/14/2023Education access and qualityTo provide Florida Gulf Coast University with Barancik Foundation Emerging Educators Scholarships.
Florida Community Health Worker CoalitionCMBF Initiative: Health Equity - Certification Training for Community Health Workers$3,809 11/7/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo support training for local community health workers to get certified.
Florida Chamber of Commerce FoundationSponsorship: Florida Prosperity Summit, 2021$10,000 1/4/2021Economic stabilityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Florida Center for Children & YouthOutreach and Crisis Response Teams in Sarasota$91,862 1/31/2020Social and community well-beingTo support the More Too Life Human Trafficking Outreach and Crisis Response Teams in Sarasota County to respond to victims of sexual trafficking.
Florida ACLUKeep Kids Learning and Working Towards a Productive Future$361,635 1/27/2017Social and community well-beingTo support the Keep Kids Learning and Working program. The ACLU’s goal, which we share, is to reduce the number of children entering the juvenile-justice system and keep them in school.
Florida ACLUDefending Our Democracy & Dismantling Systemic Racism Through Strategic, Effective Public Education $250,000 5/12/2022Social and community well-beingTo support research and policy work on civil rights and liberties that will benefit Sarasota County.
First Step of SarasotaMothers and Infants Transitions Pilot Program$130,456 7/27/2018Healthcare access and qualityTo support the Mothers and Infants Program, a residential addiction recovery program.
First Step of SarasotaNo Wrong Door$1,000,000 5/19/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo support the No-Wrong Door strategy.
First Step of SarasotaSupport and Implementation of First Step's Strategic Plan $750,000 2/19/2021Healthcare access and qualityTo strengthen key health and human service programs that are on the front lines of navigating families through crisis.
First Step of SarasotaElectronic Health Records Conversion$285,000 1/31/2020Healthcare access and qualityTo enhance mental health services through the professional integration of electronic medical records.
First Step of SarasotaSponsorship: Caring Hearts Luncheon, 2025$5,000 11/25/2024Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
First Step of SarasotaSponsorship: Caring Hearts Luncheon, 2023$5,000 12/13/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
First Step of SarasotaCMBF Initiative: First 1,000 Days - Unite Us Implementation Incentive Grant$30,000 3/21/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organizations expanded use of Unite Us.
Feeding AmericaOnline Summer Food Client Referral Pilot$75,000 12/3/2015Social and community well-beingTo pilot the use of mobile technology to make it faster and easier for those in need to find food and connect with available services.
Family Promise of South Sarasota CountyFamily Shelter Site$250,000 5/10/2024Economic stabilityTo support a transitional family housing shelter.
Equality Florida InstituteProtecting Students and Respecting Families in Sarasota$250,000 5/19/2023Social and community well-beingTo support LGBTQ parents, children, and other youth.
Equality Florida InstituteEquality Now$150,000 8/6/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the Equality Now program.
Emerge SarasotaEmerge Stronger$100,000 5/12/2022Economic stabilityTo improve the relationship between our community at large and Black and Indigenous young professionals.
Emerge SarasotaFPN Summit Speaker Support, 2023$251 1/26/2023Economic stabilityto fund Founder’s presentation at Florida Philanthropic Network.
Embracing Our DifferencesSponsorship: School Outreach, 2016-17$5,000 11/22/2016Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s student produced art display promoting tolerance and inclusivity.
Embracing Our DifferencesFraming Our Future$102,786 2/9/2024Social and community well-beingTo support operational expenses related to exhibition.
Embracing Our DifferencesSponsorship: Art Exhibit, 2024$10,000 1/27/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Embracing Our DifferencesEmbracing Leverage$100,000 8/18/2022Social and community well-beingTo expand education programming to serve more teachers and students in Sarasota and Manatee County schools and hire additional staff to support these projects.
Embracing Our DifferencesSponsorship: Art Exhibit, 2023$10,000 2/4/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Embracing Our DifferencesEmbracing Our Differences Professional Development Program$100,000 2/19/2021Social and community well-beingTo further Embracing Our Difference's efforts in providing quality cultural education in our region's classrooms.
Embracing Our DifferencesSponsorship: Art Exhibit, 2022$10,000 2/19/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Embracing Our DifferencesSponsorship: Art Exhibit, 2021$5,000 5/5/2020Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Embracing Our DifferencesCOVID-19 Response$5,000 5/5/2020Social and community well-beingTo provide extra support for the organization's operations due to the impact of COVID-19.
Embracing Our DifferencesSponsorship: Art Exhibit, 2026$10,000 2/6/2025Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Embracing Our DifferencesSponsorship: Art Exhibit, 2025$10,000 2/9/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Embracing Our DifferencesSponsorship: Art Exhibit, 2020$5,000 7/26/2019Social and community well-beingTo support the 2020 Embracing Our Difference art exhibit. The organization uses the power of art to expand consciousness and open the heart to celebrate the diversity of the human family.
Embracing Our DifferencesSponsorship: Art Exhibit, 2019$5,000 7/27/2018Social and community well-beingTo support the 2019 Embracing Our Difference art exhibit. The organization uses the power of art to expand consciousness and open the heart to celebrate the diversity of the human family.
Embracing Our DifferencesSponsorship: Art Exhibit, 2018$5,000 7/28/2017Social and community well-beingTo support the 2018 Embracing Our Difference art exhibit. The organization uses the power of art to expand consciousness and open the heart to celebrate the diversity of the human family.
Embracing Our DifferencesSponsorship: Art Exhibit, 2016$5,000 1/21/2016Social and community well-beingTo support the 2016 Embracing Our Difference art exhibit. The organization uses the power of art to expand consciousness and open the heart to celebrate the diversity of the human family.
Education Foundation of Sarasota CountyBuilding a Collective Impact Model to Accelerate Postsecondary Progression$300,000 11/1/2019Education access and qualityTo build a network of partners to support student acceleration and persistence toward post-secondary education and certification.
Education Foundation of Sarasota CountyFuture Ready: Life, Career, College for Sarasota County Students$60,000 7/27/2018Education access and qualityTo support the Future Ready Initiative to expand career-and-college centers at North Port High School and Riverview High School.
Education Foundation of Sarasota CountyCapping Grant to the Lori White Endowment Fund$50,000 10/21/2016Education access and qualityTo honor retiring Superintendent Lori White and provide professional development for teachers in the Sarasota County public schools.
Education Foundation of Sarasota CountyShirley A. Ritchey Endowment Fund Campaign – 30th Anniversary$30,000 7/27/2018Education access and qualityTo celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Shirley A. Ritchey Endowment Fund. The fund provides annual operating support for the organization.
Education Foundation of Sarasota CountyStop-Out Student and Summer Melt Initiative for Sarasota and Manatee Counties$20,000 5/19/2023Education access and qualityTo support the Stop-Out Student and Summer Melt Initiative.
Education Foundation of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Teacher of the Year Event, 2023$5,000 1/27/2023Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Education Foundation of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Teacher of the Year Event, 2022$5,000 2/4/2022Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Education Foundation of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Teacher of the Year Event, 2021$5,000 2/19/2021Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Education Foundation of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Teacher of the Year Event, 2020$5,000 1/31/2020Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Education Foundation of Sarasota CountyIn support of our schools and teachers$10,000 8/8/2024Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Education Foundation of Sarasota CountyIn support of our schools and teachers$10,000 1/20/2022Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Education Foundation of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Evening of Excellence, 2017$5,000 7/8/2016Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Education Foundation of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Evening of Excellence, 2016$5,000 12/16/2015Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Education Foundation of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Teacher of the Year Event, 2025$5,000 2/6/2025Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Education Foundation of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Teacher of the Year Event, 2024$5,000 2/9/2024Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Education Foundation of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Teacher of the Year Event, 2019$5,000 2/1/2019Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Education Foundation of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Teacher of the Year Event, 2018$5,000 2/2/2018Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Education Foundation of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Create SRQ, 2018$5,000 7/18/2017Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Easterseals Southwest FloridaEaster Seals Children's Therapy Collaboration Project$225,000 1/27/2017Healthcare access and qualityTo expand the organization's therapy services for persons with disabilities.
Easterseals Southwest FloridaAffordable Housing and Equine Therapy$175,000 5/10/2024Economic stabilityTo support an affordable housing project and veterans program.
Easterseals Southwest FloridaExpanding Excellence for Autism$750,000 8/2/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo support autism services.
Easterseals Southwest FloridaAnswering a Critical Community Call: The Autism Center of Excellence$421,500 5/20/2021Healthcare access and qualityTo provide support for the creation of the Autism Center of Excellence.
Easterseals Southwest FloridaSponsorship: Abilities Shining Luncheon, 2023$5,000 1/18/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Early Learning Coalition Of Sarasota CountyCMBF Initiative: Early Learning - Teacher Retention Bonus Program$103,005 5/13/2022Education access and qualityFinancial support for early learning professionals.
Early Learning Coalition Of Sarasota CountyCMBF Initiative: Early Learning - Business Breakfast Sponsorship, 2023$1,000 10/20/2023Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Dogs Inc.Intro to Guide Dogs Camp$50,000 10/26/2018Healthcare access and qualityTo support the Intro to Guide Dogs Camp and provide the opportunity for 40 visually-impaired teenagers and their families to explore the world of guide dog ownership during day and overnight camps.
Dogs Inc.Children & Teens Program Support$50,000 8/2/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo support efforts to match teens with guide dogs.
Dogs Inc.Children & Teens Program Support$75,000 5/12/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo support its Children & Teens Program.
Dogs Inc.Outreach Coordinator for Children and Teens Program$50,000 1/31/2020Healthcare access and qualityTo hire an Outreach Coordinator to promote the organization’s Children and Teens Program, which helps visually impaired teenagers gain their independence.
DeSoto County Sheriff's OfficeCMBF Initiative: Recidivism - Reentry Navigator, Vehicle, and Inmate Assistance Fund, 2024$122,847 6/12/2024Social and community well-beingTo reduce recidivism in the 12th Judicial Circuit.
DeSoto County Sheriff's OfficeCMBF Initiative: Recidivism - Reentry Navigator, 2022$78,492 12/8/2022Social and community well-beingInitiative to reduce recidivism in the 12th Judicial Circuit.
DeSoto County Sheriff's OfficeCMBF Initiative: Recidivism - DeSoto Inmate Assistance$10,000 11/7/2023Social and community well-beingTo create a fund that provides personal items and other services to inmates returning to the community.
Desoto County Historical SocietyGrant in Honor of Carol Mahler$1,000 10/25/2024Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Desoto County Education FoundationSponsorship: A Feast for the Foundation, 2024$5,000 9/9/2024Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Designing Women's BoutiqueSponsorship: Gala, 2021$2,500 2/19/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Designing Women's BoutiqueSponsorship: Gala, 2020$2,500 1/31/2020Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Designing Women's BoutiqueSponsorship: Gala, 2023$2,500 11/16/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Designing Women's BoutiqueSponsorship: Gala, 2019$2,500 2/1/2019Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Designing Women's BoutiqueSponsorship: Gala, 2018$2,500 2/2/2018Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Designing Women's BoutiqueSponsorship: Gala, 2017$2,500 7/28/2017Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Designing Women's BoutiqueSponsorship: Gala, 2016$2,500 9/14/2016Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Cross College AllianceC4 Consortium Initiative Support$39,333 10/21/2016Education access and qualityTo support the initiative’s goals, including student cross-registration, class enrollment at partnering colleges, and co-branding.
Cross College AllianceCross College Alliance Sustainability Plan$30,730 2/2/2018Education access and qualityTo continue the initiative's work to broaden student experiences and establish the region as a destination for academic excellence.
CreArte Latino Cultural CenterFortifying CreArte / Fortaceliendo CreArte$126,000 10/27/2023Social and community well-beingTo support capacity building.
CreArte Latino Cultural CenterPara el Futuro$71,000 5/20/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the Para el Futuro project, which aims to bring the community together using diverse cultural arts experiences. Funds will also be used to support the organization as they safely reopen.
CreArte Latino Cultural CenterManatee Performing Arts Center Series Sponsorship, 2024$8,400 4/24/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
CreArte Latino Cultural CenterSponsorship: Taste of Latin America, 2022$5,000 8/12/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
CreArte Latino Cultural CenterFPN Summit Speaker Support, 2023$700 1/26/2023Social and community well-beingto fund Founder’s presentation at Florida Philanthropic Network.
Corrections FoundationMobile Supervision Unit$130,000 11/12/2021Social and community well-beingTo purchase a vehicle to be used for a mobile probation supervision team.
Conservation Foundation of the Gulf CoastYouth in Nature Initiative, 2017$65,000 1/27/2017Neighborhood and environmentTo support the Youth in Nature Initiative.
Conservation Foundation of the Gulf CoastYouth in Nature Initiative, 2018$50,000 4/27/2018Neighborhood and environmentTo continue the Youth in Nature program for a second year.
Conservation Foundation of the Gulf CoastSponsorship: Gala, 2024$5,000 8/4/2023Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Conservation Foundation of the Gulf CoastSponsorship: Palm Ball, 2023$5,000 8/18/2022Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Conservation Foundation of the Gulf CoastSponsorship: Palm Ball, 2022$5,000 8/6/2021Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Conservation Foundation of the Gulf CoastSponsorship: Palm Ball, 2021$5,000 8/21/2020Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Conservation Foundation of the Gulf CoastSponsorship: Project Nature Bridge$2,199 2/2/2018Neighborhood and environmentTo support Project Nature Bridge, an environmental program for youth.
Conservation Foundation of the Gulf CoastSponsorship: Gala, 2025$5,000 2/6/2025Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Conservation Foundation of the Gulf CoastAnnual Gala Sponsorship, 2024$5,000 8/12/2024Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Conservation Foundation of the Gulf CoastSponsorship: Palm Ball, 2020$5,000 7/26/2019Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Conservation Foundation of the Gulf CoastSponsorship: Palm Ball, 2019$5,000 7/27/2018Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Conservation Foundation of the Gulf CoastSponsorship: Palm Ball, 2018$5,000 7/28/2017Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Conservation Foundation of the Gulf CoastSponsorship: Palm Ball, 2017$5,000 7/26/2016Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Community News CollaborativeCommunity News Collaborative, 2024$1,100,000 5/6/2024Social and community well-beingTo create a more informed citizenry through quality news coverage of local stories.
Community Harvest SRQProduce Rescue and Feeding Those in Need$50,000 1/27/2023Economic stabilityTo support salary of organizations only employee.
Community Harvest SRQSponsorship: Sustainable Communities Workshop, 2024$3,000 8/20/2024Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Community Harvest SRQSponsorship: Sustainable Communities Workshop, 2022$3,000 10/13/2022Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Community Harvest SRQSponsorship: Sustainable Communities Workshop, 2021$3,000 9/21/2021Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Community Foundation of Sarasota CountySeason of Sharing, 2016$200,000 7/8/2016Social and community well-beingTo help individuals and families on the verge of homelessness stay in their homes through the Season of Sharing Fund.
Community Foundation of Sarasota CountySeason of Sharing, 2015$200,000 4/24/2015Social and community well-beingTo help individuals and families on the verge of homelessness stay in their homes through the Season of Sharing Fund.
Community Foundation of Sarasota CountySeason of Sharing, 2014$200,000 6/20/2014Social and community well-beingTo help individuals and families on the verge of homelessness stay in their homes through the Season of Sharing Fund.
Community Foundation of Sarasota CountyCampaign for Grade Level Reading, Funding for skilled home school liaison$79,460 12/3/2015Education access and qualityTo hire a Home School Liaison at Tuttle Elementary to support the Campaign for Grade Level Reading.
Community Foundation of Sarasota CountyJoint Initiative: Partners for Green Places Solar Loan Impact Fund $140,000 8/21/2020Neighborhood and environmentTo support the Solar Loan Impact Fund to provide no/low-interest rate loans to solarize nonprofits.
Community Foundation of Sarasota CountyHurricane Human Relief Fund, 2024$50,000 10/15/2024Economic stabilityTo meet immediate basic human needs following Hurricane Milton.
Community Assisted & Supported LivingNancy's Village$250,000 8/9/2024Economic stabilityTo help young adults in the foster care system with housing.
Climate Adaptation CenterGetting the Word Out on Climate Change$50,000 5/10/2024Neighborhood and environmentTo support a climate summit and research meteorologist.
Climate Adaptation CenterSponsorship: 2023 Annual Climate Conference$10,000 11/22/2022Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Climate Adaptation CenterSponsorship: Climate Champions Awards, 2024$5,000 1/18/2024Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Climate Adaptation CenterSponsorship: Climate Champion Awards, 2025$1,500 12/16/2024Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Climate Adaptation CenterSponsorship: Climate Champions Awards, 2023$1,500 3/30/2023Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Children's Guardian FundA Voice for Every Child$100,000 10/26/2018Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's mission and provide funds to recruit and train new volunteers.
Children's Guardian FundEmpowered Advocacy $100,000 5/12/2022Social and community well-beingTo provide unrestricted funding to help respond to children’s immediate and ongoing needs when they are removed from abusive or neglectful homes.
Children FirstExpansion of Family Strengthening Services$1,251,000 11/1/2019Education access and qualityTo expand parenting education, family advocacy and vocational coaching services to families whose children attend Children First.
Children FirstChildren First Program Enhancements $150,000 7/8/2016Education access and qualityTo expand the organization’s case management, counseling, and teacher capacity to better address the mental and behavioral needs of the children and families they serve.
Children FirstSupport for the Raise Your Hand fundraising campaign$25,000 2/9/2017Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Children FirstMission-Focused and Innovative Solutions to Support At-Risk Families$900,000 11/8/2024Education access and qualityTo serve more children and families by adding three new classrooms.
Children FirstPaddle Raise: Fairytale Ball, 2023$25,000 1/27/2023Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Children FirstPaddle Raise: Fairytale Ball, 2022$25,000 2/4/2022Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Children First60th Anniversary Challenge Match$60,000 2/19/2021Education access and qualityFor Children First's 60th Anniversary Challenge Match.
Children FirstPaddle Raise: Fairytale Ball, 2021$25,000 2/19/2021Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Children FirstStabilizing At-Risk Children and Families$125,000 5/1/2020Education access and qualityTo allow the organization to remain operationally and fiscally resilient in order to serve the families who rely on them.
Children FirstPaddle Raise: Fairytale Ball, 2020$25,000 1/31/2020Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Children FirstHurricane Ian Recovery Fund$40,000 10/7/2022Education access and qualityTo help offset operating expenses related to Hurricane Ian.
Children FirstPaddle Raise: Fairytale Ball, 2025$25,000 2/6/2025Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Children FirstPaddle Raise: Fairytale Ball, 2024$25,000 2/9/2024Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Child Protection CenterEmpowering Children and Equipping Adults $300,000 11/1/2019Social and community well-beingTo prevent child abuse.
Child Protection CenterCreating the Capacity for Hope$175,000 11/12/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the Creating the Capacity for Hope program.
Child Protection CenterEducating Adults and Empowering Children$50,000 4/21/2017Social and community well-beingTo hire an additional prevention educator for its Personal Safety and Community Awareness Program team
Child Protection CenterExpanding the Capacity for Hope$550,000 8/2/2023Social and community well-beingTo support prevention, intervention and treatment of child abuse.
Child Protection CenterSponsorship: Blue Ties & Butterflies 10th Anniversary, 2023$10,000 1/1/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Chicago Zoological SocietyBottlenose Dolphins as Sentinels of Coastal Ecosystem Health, 2017$1,000,000 7/28/2017Neighborhood and environmentTo sustain the Sarasota Bay Dolphin Research Study, the longest running study of dolphins in the wild.
Chicago Zoological SocietyBottlenose Dolphins as Sentinels of Coastal Ecosystem Health, 2022$1,000,000 8/18/2022Neighborhood and environmentTo support the Sarasota Dolphin Research Program as it engages in conservation work to better understand and benefit the long-term resident dolphins of Sarasota Bay and our shared ecosystem.
Chicago Zoological SocietySponsorship: Conservation Leadership Awards Dinner, 2024$10,000 8/26/2024Neighborhood and environmentTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Chicago Botanic GardenScience Career Continuum$25,000 11/3/2017Neighborhood and environmentTo support the Science Career Continuum, which connects students from Chicago Public Schools with environmental-science education and training programs at the Garden.
Chicago Botanic GardenWindy City Harvest$100,000 11/3/2023Economic stabilityTo support program and share best practices with Sarasota County.
Chicago Botanic GardenAnnual Support, 2023$25,000 1/27/2023Neighborhood and environmentTo support the Science Career Continuum, which connects students from Chicago Public Schools with environmental-science education and training programs at the Garden.
Chicago Botanic GardenAnnual Support, 2022$25,000 2/4/2022Neighborhood and environmentTo support the Science Career Continuum, which connects students from Chicago Public Schools with environmental-science education and training programs at the Garden.
Chicago Botanic GardenAnnual Support, 2021$50,000 2/19/2021Neighborhood and environmentTo support the Science Career Continuum, which connects students from Chicago Public Schools with environmental-science education and training programs at the Garden.
Chicago Botanic GardenAnnual Support, 2020$25,000 1/31/2020Neighborhood and environmentTo support the Science Career Continuum, which connects students from Chicago Public Schools with environmental-science education and training programs at the Garden.
Chicago Botanic GardenCOVID-19 Response$25,000 5/5/2020Neighborhood and environmentTo provide extra support for the organization's operations due to the impact of COVID-19.
Chicago Botanic GardenAnnual Support, 2025-26$30,000 2/6/2025Neighborhood and environmentTo support the Science Career Continuum, which connects students from Chicago Public Schools with environmental-science education and training programs at the Garden.
Chicago Botanic GardenAnnual Support, 2024$25,000 2/9/2024Neighborhood and environmentTo support the Science Career Continuum, which connects students from Chicago Public Schools with environmental-science education and training programs at the Garden.
Chicago Botanic GardenAnnual Support, 2019$25,000 2/1/2019Neighborhood and environmentTo support the Science Career Continuum, which connects students from Chicago Public Schools with environmental-science education and training programs at the Garden.
Chicago Botanic GardenAnnual Support, 2018$25,000 2/2/2018Neighborhood and environmentTo support the Science Career Continuum, which connects students from Chicago Public Schools with environmental-science education and training programs at the Garden.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationCommunity Based Strategic Planning Training$7,900 7/26/2019Healthcare access and qualityTo host a Community Based Strategic Planning Training for First 1,000 Days partners.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationRipple Effect Teacher Grants, 2023$45,000 10/11/2023Education access and qualityTo honor Chuck and Margie on their birthdays and recognize teachers by providing $5,000 gifts to 10 teachers who have had what Margie described as the "Ripple Effect" in the school system.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationPain at the Pump Program, 2022$100,000 6/3/2022Economic stabilityTo alleviate the significant increase in gas prices.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationCMBF Initiative: First 1,000 Days Sarasota County Sustainability Plan, 2021$500,000 2/19/2021Education access and qualityTo improve access and coordination of services for families and babies and incentivize additional philanthropic gifts to the initiative.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationCMBF Initiative: Project Nature Bridge 3.0, 2021$100,000 5/20/2021Neighborhood and environmentInitiative to prove that nature is for everybody.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationCMBF Initiative: Collaborative Journalism Initiative, 2020$75,000 11/20/2020Social and community well-beingTo establish a Collaborative Journalism Initiative Project Fund at Gulf Coast Community Foundation.
Sarasota County SchoolsSponsorship: PINC, 2024$10,000 11/5/2024Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Sarasota County SchoolsSponsorship: Barancik PINC Scholars, 2023$10,000 10/10/2023Education access and qualityTo sponsor the Barancik PINC Scholars program, to scholarship 10 students and 10 teachers that the students select to attend the day-long speaker and creativity event, PINC.
Sarasota County SchoolsSponsorship: Barancik PINC Scholars, 2019$10,000 6/19/2019Education access and qualityTo establish and sponsor the Barancik PINC Scholars program, to scholarship 10 students and 10 teachers that the students select to attend the day-long speaker and creativity event, PINC.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationHurricane Human Relief Fund, 2024$775,000 10/15/2024Economic stabilityTo meet immediate basic human needs following Hurricane Milton.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationHurricane Ian Recovery Fund, 2022$205,571 10/3/2022Economic stabilityTo provide emergency relief to nonprofits effected by Hurricane Ian.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationCMBF Initiative: Community News Collaborative 2.0$1,878,454 2/9/2024Social and community well-beingTo create a more informed citizenry through quality news coverage of local stories.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationCMBF Initiative: Downtown Sarasota Workforce Housing$1,500,000 11/3/2023Economic stability To support land acquisition for the City of Sarasota’s workforce housing development.
Sarasota County SchoolsCMBF Initiative: STEMsmart in Sarasota County Schools, 2014$1,037,500 4/15/2014Education access and qualityTo support the STEMsmart initiative to transform how teachers teach and students learn science, technology, engineering, and math in Sarasota County public middle schools.
Sarasota County SchoolsCMBF Initiative: ELA/SS Pilot, 2014-15$756,000 5/1/2014Education access and qualityTo transform Sarasota County middle school English Language Arts and Social Studies (ELA/SS) classrooms into TechActive classrooms.
Sarasota County SchoolsCMBF Initiative: ELA/SS, 2015-16$587,732 6/25/2015Education access and qualityTo transform Sarasota County middle school English Language Arts and Social Studies (ELA/SS) classrooms into TechActive classrooms.
Sarasota County SchoolsCMBF Initiative: ELA/SS, 2016-17$525,000 7/8/2016Education access and qualityTo transform Sarasota County middle school English Language Arts and Social Studies (ELA/SS) classrooms into TechActive classrooms.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationCMBF Initiative: Early Learning Initiative, 2023$521,461 1/27/2023Education access and qualityAdditional funding to support our work in Early Education.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationCMBF Initiative: Early Learning Initiative, 2024$467,573 2/9/2024Education access and qualityTo expand access to quality early learning.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationCMBF Initiative: Time to Inspire Margie’s Educators – TIME Fellowship 2.0, 2022$317,500 8/18/2022Education access and qualityTo support the TIME Fellowship Program to recognize and retain teachers in Sarasota County.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationCMBF Initiative: TIME Fellowship, 2025$310,000 2/9/2024Education access and qualityTo support the TIME Fellowship Program to recognize and retain teachers in Sarasota County.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationCMBF Initiative: TIME (Time to Inspire Margie’s Educators) 3.0, 2024$310,000 1/27/2023Education access and qualityTo support the TIME Fellowship Program to recognize and retain teachers in Sarasota County.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationCMBF Initiative: TIME Fellowship, 2026$300,000 2/6/2025Education access and qualityTo continue TIME Fellowship program.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationCMBF Initiative: Time to Inspire Margie’s Educators – The TIME Fellowship, 2022$300,000 2/4/2022Education access and qualityTo pilot the TIME Fellowship Program to recognize and retain teachers in Sarasota County.
Sarasota County SchoolsCMBF Initiative: Teacher Recruitment | Retention, 2018$250,000 10/26/2018Education access and qualityTo establish a project fund at Gulf Coast Community Foundation to support efforts that attract or retain Sarasota County teachers and to elevate the teaching profession.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationCMBF Initiative: Early Learning, 2022$206,458 2/4/2022Education access and qualityTo support Barancik Foundation and its key partners’ efforts to establish an early learning initiative.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationFlexible Fund to Build Program Evaluation and Fundraising Capacity$200,000 11/3/2023N/AFor training and resources to increase nonprofit program evaluation and fundraising capacity.
Sarasota County SchoolsCMBF Initiative: Teacher Recruitment | Retention, 2019$200,000 11/1/2019Education access and qualityTo help recruit and retain high-quality teachers.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationCMBF Initiative: Recidivism - Navigating Away from Jail, 2024$180,946 5/13/2024Social and community well-beingTo support an ongoing recidivism initiative with capacity, research, and aid for former inmates.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationCMBF Initiative: Affordable Housing - Building Synergy in Newtown$150,000 5/19/2023Economic stabilityTo support affordable housing in Newtown.
Sarasota County SchoolsReading Recovery, 2015-16 school year$100,000 6/26/2015Education access and qualityTo support Reading Recovery, which provides short-term intervention for first graders having extreme difficulty with early reading and writing.
Sarasota County SchoolsJoint Initiative: Reading Recovery, 2016-17 & 2017-18$100,000 4/27/2016Education access and qualityTo support Reading Recovery, which provides short-term intervention for first graders having extreme difficulty with early reading and writing.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationMental Health Environmental Scan$90,000 2/2/2018Healthcare access and qualityTo fund a mental health environmental scan in Sarasota County providing much-needed data to inform gaps and needs in the mental health system.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationLeadership Development Fund$75,000 2/6/2025Education access and qualityTo create a fund to support nonprofit leadership development.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationCMBF Initiative: Teacher Recruitment, Retention, and Recognition$73,667 2/9/2024Education access and qualityTo support Teacher Recruitment and Retention efforts for Sarasota County Schools.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationCMBF Initiative: First 1,000 Days Technology and Incentive Funding to support Unite Us Expansion, 2022$70,821 5/12/2022Education access and qualityTo expand the use of Unite Us among nonprofits in the region.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationResults 1st: Moving from Activity to Results $50,000 8/18/2022Education access and qualityTo provide nonprofit organizations with actionable tools they need to define, track, report, and significantly increase results for those they serve.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationCMBF Initiative: Health Equity, 2022$41,191 5/12/2022Healthcare access and qualityAdditional funding for Health Equity Initiative.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationCMBF Initiative: Affordable Housing, Analysis, and Investment, 2022$41,000 2/4/2022Economic stabilityTo support affordable housing efforts in Sarasota County.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationGovernance Training Pilot for Members of Underrepresented Groups$35,000 11/8/2024Social and community well-beingTo pilot a board-governance training program for members of underrepresented groups in the community
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationCMBF Initiative: Recidivism - Navigating Away from Jail, 2022$21,628 8/18/2022Social and community well-beingTo establish a Recidivism Initiative to support work to prevent criminal reoffending in the 12th Judicial Circuit.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationCMBF Initiative: Teacher Recruitment | Retention Plus, 2022$15,749 5/12/2022Education access and qualityTo support Barancik Foundation’s Teacher Recruitment | Retention initiative.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationTalking is Teaching$10,000 4/21/2017Education access and qualityTo pilot an awareness campaign to encourage parents to talk, read, and sing with their young children.
Sarasota County SchoolsSponsorship: Teacher Celebration on February 1, 2018$6,995 3/15/2018Education access and qualityTo support the STEMsmart and TechActive teacher celebration.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationRipple Effect Teacher Grants, 2025$50,000 2/6/2025Education access and qualityTo honor Chuck and Margie on their birthdays and recognize teachers by providing $5,000 gifts to 10 teachers who have had what Margie described as the "Ripple Effect" in the school system.
Charles & Margery Barancik FoundationRipple Effect Teacher Grants, 2024$50,000 2/9/2024Education access and qualityTo honor Chuck and Margie on their birthdays and recognize teachers by providing $5,000 gifts to 10 teachers who have had what Margie described as the "Ripple Effect" in the school system.
Charitable Gift Planners of Southwest FloridaSponsorship: Wealth Transfer and Philanthropy Panel, 2022$500 5/22/2022N/ATo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Centerstone of FloridaComprehensive Treatment Court Pilot Program$147,000 4/27/2016Healthcare access and qualityTo support the Comprehensive Treatment Court, which is a jail-diversion program for individuals arrested for misdemeanor crimes and suffering from mental illness.
Centerstone of FloridaPsychiatric Residency Program$500,000 8/21/2020Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's Psychiatric Residency Program.
CenterPlace HealthA Request to Cover Expenses Incurred in Establishing a Health Center$667,440 10/26/2018Healthcare access and qualityTo pay off debt incurred by the organization during its application process to become the community's Federally Qualified Health Center.
CenterPlace HealthOB Expansion at CenterPlace Health$650,000 8/2/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo support affordable healthcare to a diverse population.
CenterPlace HealthHurricane Ian Employee Assistance Payroll Relief$160,000 10/28/2022Economic stabilityTo support Hurricane Ian recovery efforts.
CenterPlace HealthMobile Health and Vaccination Clinics$200,000 11/12/2021Healthcare access and qualityAddressing health disparities by outfitting mobile vans and supporting associated personnel.
CenterPlace HealthCPH Emergency Funding Request$375,000 5/1/2020Healthcare access and qualityTo provide general support related to COVID-19.
CenterPlace HealthExpansion of Services, Technology, and Infrastructure$345,000 11/20/2020Healthcare access and qualityFor expansion of services, technology, and infrastructure.
CenterPlace HealthCOVID Coordination$10,000 4/22/2021Healthcare access and qualityTo help reduce the spread of COVID.
CenterPlace Health2024 Luncheon and Back to School Event$5,000 4/24/2024Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
CenterPlace Health5th Birthday Celebration Luncheon, 2023$5,000 9/28/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organizations operational and/or fundraising efforts.
CenterPlace HealthCMBF Initiative: Health Equity - Community Health Worker Support$75,000 10/23/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo expand access to healthcare and health literacy.
CenterPlace HealthCMBF Initiative: Health Equity - Community Health Worker Salary$30,000 11/16/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo expand access to healthcare and health literacy.
Center For Effective PhilanthropyGrantee Perception Survey $29,465 11/12/2021Healthcare access and qualityTo fund a grantee perception survey.
Brotherhood of Men Mentor GroupPositive Role Models$30,000 11/1/2019Education access and qualityTo mentor young men and support their character and academic development.
Brotherhood of Men Mentor GroupGeneral Operating Support 2021$30,000 5/20/2021Education access and qualityTo support mentorship and positive role models for young men in Newtown.
Bridge a LifeFoster Care Prevention and Placement Stability$145,000 5/19/2023Social and community well-beingTo support foster and adoptive families.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesArcadia Program Funding Match$450,000 7/27/2018Education access and qualityTo match dollar-for-dollar all monies raised to support programming at the new Arcadia Boys & Girls Clubs up to $400,000.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesSustainability Plan for Newtown Estates Park Boys & Girls Club$435,170 4/21/2017Education access and qualityTo ensure the long-term sustainability of the Newtown Estates Park Club, which was created in 2015 with funding from the Foundation to serve youth in the Newtown Estates neighborhood.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesEstablish After-school Programming at the Newtown Estates Rec Center, 2015-2016$181,000 8/6/2015Education access and qualityTo begin an after-school program in Newtown Estates.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto Counties2016-2017 School Year & 2017 Summer Programs at Newtown Estates Park Boys & Girls Club$122,485 1/27/2017Education access and qualityTo maintain services to the highly vulnerable youth population who attend the Newtown Estate Park Club.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesClub At Night Program Expansion$100,728 2/1/2019Education access and qualityTo expand the Club at Night Program to run year-round at the Roy McBean and Lee Wetherington Clubs.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesSummer Programming for Newtown Estates Park Boys & Girls Club $89,000 2/12/2016Education access and qualityTo maintain services to the highly vulnerable youth population who attend the Newtown Estate Park Club.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto Counties2018 Club At Night Program and Summer Program Enrichment at the Roy McBean Boys & Girls Club$85,000 4/27/2018Education access and qualityTo support two programs that offer youth a safe place and positive guidance at the Roy McBean Club in Newtown.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesFlexible Funding for Enhanced Model$900,000 5/10/2024Education access and qualityTo support organizational capacity to provide positive youth development.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesStaff Needs & Teen Opportunities$300,000 1/27/2023Education access and qualityTo support salary increases and teen programming.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesSponsorship: Corporate Sponsorship, 2023-24$30,000 1/27/2023Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesPaddle Raise: Youth of the Year, 2024$15,000 8/4/2023Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesReliable Flexible Funding$250,000 2/4/2022Education access and qualityFor flexible funding to support the organization’s operations, programming, and scholarships for students.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesSponsorship: Corporate Sponsorship, 2022-23$30,000 2/4/2022Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesPaddle Raise: Youth of the Year, 2023$15,000 8/18/2022Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesPaddle Raise: Youth of the Year, 2022$15,000 2/4/2022Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesSponsorship: Corporate Sponsorship, 2021-22$30,000 2/19/2021Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesPaddle Raise: Youth of the Year, 2021$15,000 2/19/2021Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesReliable Flexibility$250,000 8/21/2020Education access and qualityTo provide flexible funding for the organization to meet the needs of its members and families.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesSponsorship: Corporate Sponsorship, 2020-21$30,000 1/31/2020Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesPaddle Raise: Youth of the Year, 2020$15,000 1/31/2020Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesSponsorship: Youth of the Year, 2017 $11,000 2/3/2017Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesSponsorship: Special Recognition Award to the Teen Program in honor of Suriya Khong$10,000 5/16/2019Education access and qualitySpecial Recognition Award to the Teen Program in honor of Suriya Khong
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesSponsorship: CYD Breakfast, Matching Gift in Honor of Lori White$10,000 9/2/2016Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesTeen Mindfulness$1,000 2/9/2024Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesSponsorship: Community Youth Development Breakfast$1,000 6/23/2016Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesProject Nature Bridge$1,260 2/2/2018Education access and qualityTo support Project Nature Bridge, an environmental program for youth.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesCorporate Sponsorship, 2025-26$30,000 2/6/2025Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesCorporate Sponsorship, 2024-25$30,000 2/9/2024Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesSponsorship: Corporate Sponsorship, 2019-20$30,000 2/1/2019Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesSponsorship: Corporate Sponsorship, 2018-19$30,000 2/2/2018Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesSponsorship: Leadership Breakfast, 2017$20,000 7/28/2017Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesPaddle Raise: Youth of the Year, 2025$15,000 8/12/2024Education access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesSponsorship: Champions for Children, 2017$10,000 1/27/2017Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesSponsorship: Champions for Children, 2016$10,000 7/8/2016Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota and DeSoto CountiesSponsorship: Champion for Children Dinner, 2015$10,000 8/24/2015Education access and qualityTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Boxser Diversity InitiativeBending the Arc$225,000 5/10/2024Social and community well-beingTo educate the public on the value of diversity, education, and inclusion.
Boxser Diversity InitiativeCivil Rights Trip Videographer$10,000 1/2/2025Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and fundraising efforts.
Booker Promise FoundationFlorida Prepaid Scholarships$150,000 11/20/2020Education access and qualityTo provide scholarships to Booker High School students.
Booker High School FoundationStudent Technology$1,400 2/14/2017Education access and qualityTo purchase computer technology compatible with the engineering software SolidWorks.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Sun CoastEmpowering Potential$650,000 8/2/2023Education access and qualityTo support new centralized headquarters and mentoring center.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Sun CoastEnd the Wait$405,000 11/20/2020Education access and qualityTo support the End the Wait program.
Beyond The SpectrumMaintaining Our Mission$300,000 8/9/2024Healthcare access and qualityTo support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Beyond The SpectrumHelping Families Go Beyond$150,000 8/18/2022Education access and qualityTo help individuals and families in our community affected by autism, Down syndrome, and related developmental diagnoses.
Better Futures FoundationBetter Futures Foundation | General Program Support$15,500 11/1/2019Education access and qualityTo deliver education on the Holocaust to students in Sarasota County Schools.
Azara BalletDancing Together$180,000 11/3/2023Social and community well-beingTo support capacity building/early operation expenses.
Asolo Repertory TheatreEndowment Gift$1,000,000 5/27/2014Social and community well-beingChallenge grant to energize the Artist Endowment Fund campaign.
Asolo Repertory TheatreAsolo Repertory Theatre: Staging Our Future Endowment Funding$1,000,000 7/26/2019Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s Staging Our Future Endowment Funding Campaign.
Asolo Repertory TheatreMatching Grant, 2016$50,000 4/25/2015Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreSummer Family Productions, 2018 and 2019$30,000 2/2/2018Social and community well-beingTo help underserved populations experience the arts and attend the theatre in the summer.
Asolo Repertory TheatreTwenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea $15,000 1/27/2017Social and community well-beingTo purchase 100 tickets for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota County to attend the Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea performance.
Asolo Repertory TheatreHetty Feather Tickets (100) for Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota County $1,000 5/26/2016Social and community well-beingTo purchase 100 tickets for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Sarasota County to attend the Hetty Feather performance.
Asolo Repertory TheatreThe Big IDEA$300,000 8/9/2024Social and community well-beingTo break down economic, accessibility, and cultural barriers to live theater and educational programming.
Asolo Repertory TheatreAnnual Support, 2023-24$100,000 1/27/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatrePaddle Raise: Asolo Gala, 2023$25,000 1/27/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreSponsorship: Gala, 2024$10,000 8/4/2023Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreAnnual Support, 2022-23$100,000 2/4/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatrePaddle Raise: Asolo Gala, 2022$25,000 2/4/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreSponsorship: Gala, 2023$10,000 8/18/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreAsolo Rep Education & Engagement: Theatre for All Programming$250,000 2/19/2021Social and community well-beingTo further Asolo Rep’s commitment to ensuring our community’s young people, from all backgrounds, can experience the power of live theatre and artistic education.
Asolo Repertory TheatreAnnual Support, 2021-22$200,000 2/19/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatrePaddle Raise: Asolo Gala, 2021$25,000 2/19/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreSponsorship: Gala, 2022$10,000 8/6/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreAnnual Support, 2020-21$100,000 1/31/2020Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatrePaddle Raise: Asolo Gala, 2020$25,000 1/31/2020Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreSponsorship: Gala, 2021$10,000 8/21/2020Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreCondo for Actor Housing$20,000 9/30/2015Social and community well-beingTo enrich the theatre's partnership with the FSU/Asolo Conservatory for Actor Training and provide housing for visiting artists.
Asolo Repertory TheatreIn honor of Michael and Linda’s retirement$10,000 4/26/2023Social and community well-beingTo celebrate the retirement of Michael Donald Edwards.
Asolo Repertory TheatreSponsorship: Men Who Cook, 2024$2,000 4/4/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreCOVID-19 Response$100,000 5/5/2020Social and community well-beingTo provide extra support for the organization's operations due to the impact of COVID-19.
Asolo Repertory TheatreProject Nature Bridge$3,611 2/2/2018Neighborhood and environmentTo support Project Nature Bridge, an environmental program for youth.
Asolo Repertory TheatreAnnual Support, 2025-26$150,000 2/6/2025Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreAnnual Support, 2024-25$100,000 2/9/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreAnnual Support, 2019-20$100,000 2/1/2019Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreAnnual Support, 2018-19$100,000 2/2/2018Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreAnnual Support, 2017-18$100,000 1/27/2017Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreAnnual Support, 2016-17 $100,000 7/8/2016Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreAnnual Support, 2015-16$100,000 6/26/2015Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreAnnual Support, 2014-15$75,000 12/3/2014Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatrePaddle Raise: Asolo Gala, 2025$25,000 2/6/2025Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatrePaddle Raise: Asolo Gala, 2024$25,000 2/9/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreSponsorship: Gala, 2025$10,000 8/12/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreSponsorship: Gala, 2020$10,000 7/26/2019Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreSponsorship: Gala, 2019$10,000 7/27/2018Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreSponsorship: Gala, 2018$10,000 7/28/2017Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreGeneral Support: Gala, 2017$10,000 3/4/2017Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreSponsorship: Gala, 2017$10,000 7/8/2016Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Asolo Repertory TheatreSponsorship: Cabaret at the Tropicana Gala, 2016$10,000 11/18/2015Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Arts & Cultural Alliance Of Sarasota CountySponsorship: Arts Mean Business, 2017$5,000 8/23/2017Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Architecture SarasotaSponsorship: Hiss Award Celebration, 2025$10,000 1/13/2025Neighborhood and environmentTo celebrate the master plan designers of the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens.
Arcadia-DeSoto County Habitat for HumanityHurricane Ian Roof Repair/Replacement Program$50,000 12/19/2022Economic stabilityTo support hurricane recovery efforts related to home repairs in DeSoto County.
Arcadia-DeSoto County Habitat for HumanityGrant in Honor of Cheri Coryea$1,000 10/25/2024Economic stabilityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
American Jewish CommitteeAnnual support, 2023$50,000 12/19/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
American Jewish CommitteeAnnual Support, 2022$50,000 2/4/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
American Jewish CommitteeAnnual Support, 2021$50,000 2/19/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
American Jewish CommitteeAnnual Support, 2020$50,000 1/31/2020Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
American Jewish CommitteeSponsorship: West Coast FL Civic Achievement Award Dinner, 2022$10,000 6/29/2022Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
American Jewish CommitteeSponsorship: Video$5,000 10/13/2015Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and fundraising efforts.
American Jewish CommitteeAnnual Support, 2025$65,000 2/6/2025Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
American Jewish CommitteeAnnual Support, 2024$50,000 2/9/2024Social and community well-beingTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
American Jewish CommitteeAnnual Support, 2015$50,000 5/1/2014Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
American Jewish CommitteeAnnual Support, 2016$50,000 7/8/2016Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
American Jewish CommitteeAnnual Support, 2018$50,000 2/2/2018Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
American Jewish CommitteeAnnual Support, 2019$50,000 2/1/2019Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
American Jewish CommitteeAnnual Support, 2017$50,000 1/27/2017Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
American Jewish CommitteeSponsorship: Civic Achievement Dinner, 2015$50,000 9/28/2015Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and fundraising efforts.
American Jewish CommitteeSponsorship: Civic Achievement Award Dinner, 2017$10,000 10/26/2017Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
ALSO YouthElevate and Celebrate$130,000 5/12/2022Social and community well-beingTo assist the organization in relocating their Manatee County service center.
All Star Children's FoundationAll-Star Children's Foundation Medical Model for Trauma-informed Care$1,000,000 4/21/2017Healthcare access and qualityTo provide trauma-informed foster care services in Sarasota.
All Star Children's FoundationBuilding Brighter Futures for Children and Families in Foster Care$250,000 5/20/2021Social and community well-beingTo provide trauma-informed foster care services in Sarasota.
All Faiths Food BankPediatric Food Insecurity Screening Project$674,628 2/1/2019Economic stabilityTo support a three-year pilot to reduce childhood hunger and its negative health effects.
All Faiths Food BankDevelop a sustainable produce donation/distribution system, and expand the Sprout mobile food pantry$626,225 11/13/2015Economic stabilityTo expand the food bank’s ability to collect and distribute fresh produce.
All Faiths Food BankCampaign Against Summer Hunger, 2018$50,000 4/27/2018Economic stabilityTo support the Campaign Against Summer Hunger, which provides food and funds to feed children over the summer months.
All Faiths Food BankCampaign Against Summer Hunger, 2017$25,000 1/27/2017Economic stabilityTo support the Campaign Against Summer Hunger, which provides food and funds to feed children over the summer months.
All Faiths Food BankCampaign Against Summer Hunger, 2016$25,000 4/27/2016Economic stabilityTo support the Campaign Against Summer Hunger, which provides food and funds to feed children over the summer months.
All Faiths Food BankCampaign Against Summer Hunger, 2023$50,000 1/27/2023Economic stabilityTo support the Campaign Against Summer Hunger, which provides food and funds to feed children over the summer months.
All Faiths Food BankFood Insecurity Screening Expansion $2,496,581 5/12/2022Economic stabilityTo expand food insecurity screening programs in Sarasota and DeSoto counties.
All Faiths Food BankHurricane Ian: Food, Fuel, and Staffing$400,000 10/28/2022Economic stabilityTo support Hurricane Ian recovery efforts.
All Faiths Food BankCampaign Against Summer Hunger, 2022$50,000 2/4/2022Economic stabilityTo support the Campaign Against Summer Hunger, which provides food and funds to feed children over the summer months.
All Faiths Food BankCampaign Against Summer Hunger, 2021$50,000 2/19/2021Economic stabilityTo support the Campaign Against Summer Hunger, which provides food and funds to feed children over the summer months.
All Faiths Food BankCampaign Against Summer Hunger, 2020$50,000 1/31/2020Economic stabilityTo support the Campaign Against Summer Hunger, which provides food and funds to feed children over the summer months.
All Faiths Food BankSponsorship: Food Is Medicine Summit, 2025$10,000 1/2/2025Economic stabilityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
All Faiths Food BankPaddle Raise: Autumn Harvest, 2024$10,000 10/14/2024Economic stabilityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
All Faiths Food BankSponsorship: Autumn Harvest, 2022$10,000 7/19/2022Economic stabilityTo support the organization's produce programs that provide fresh fruit and vegetables to neighbors struggling with hunger.
All Faiths Food BankReducing Pain at the Pump Pilot Program, 2022$10,000 4/11/2022Economic stabilityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
All Faiths Food BankSponsorship: Autumn Harvest, 2024$5,000 5/20/2024Economic stabilityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.
All Faiths Food BankSponsorship: Autumn Harvest, 2023$5,000 8/15/2023Economic stabilityTo support the organization's produce programs that provide fresh fruit and vegetables to neighbors struggling with hunger.
All Faiths Food BankHurricane Irma - Emergency Request$172,000 9/18/2017Economic stabilityFor two weeks of food normally supplied by food donations from retail chains.
All Faiths Food BankCampaign Against Summer Hunger, 2025$75,000 2/6/2025Economic stabilityTo support the Campaign Against Summer Hunger, which provides food and funds to feed children over the summer months.
All Faiths Food BankCampaign Against Summer Hunger, 2024$50,000 2/9/2024Economic stabilityTo support the Campaign Against Summer Hunger, which provides food and funds to feed children over the summer months.
All Faiths Food BankCampaign Against Summer Hunger, 2019$50,000 2/1/2019Economic stabilityTo support the Campaign Against Summer Hunger, which provides food and funds to feed children over the summer months.
All Faiths Food BankAnnual Support, 2014$50,000 10/17/2014Economic stabilityTo support the organization’s operational and fundraising efforts.
Adventure For All CorporationAdventure Biking Programs$186,800 1/27/2023Healthcare access and qualityTo support organization's Adventure Biking Program.
Adventure For All CorporationSponsorship: Ride Together, Rise Together, 2021 $10,000 6/25/2021Social and community well-beingTo support the organization’s operational and/or fundraising efforts.
Adventure For All CorporationSponsorship: Ride Together, Rise Together, 2022$10,000 8/2/2022Healthcare access and qualityTo support the organization's operational and/or fundraising efforts.

About Barancik Foundation

The Charles and Margery Barancik family has long believed in the power of philanthropy to shape our world and enrich the lives of all people. It was the expression of this belief that led them in 2014 to establish Charles & Margery Barancik Foundation—a private, family foundation located in Sarasota, Florida.

1515 Ringling Boulevard, Suite 500, Sarasota FL 34236
The Barancik Foundation does not accept unsolicited requests for funding.

©2020 Charles & Margery Barancik Foundation. All rights reserved.